The Daily Office

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What is the daily office?   The daily office is a centuries old approach to the discipline of prayer and life with God.  The daily office provides the structure and discipline you need to connect with God and set your life on the right path.  The prayers, scripture readings, blessings, and manhood moments will help you set aside distractions, busy-ness, and develop into the Christ-like man God intends.   Keep coming back as we add fresh content monthly.  

How to use the daily office?   Click the appropriate day in the upper right corner and proceed with the readings and prayers.  The office can be said anywhere; before your day's activities begin, find a quiet space that best suits you. If you practice daily, you'll probably notice that you are more focused and in tune with God, resulting in great peace and resolve as you face life's many challenges. 

What is the morning gospel lesson?  It is the good news of Jesus Christ for everyone.   There are four good news stories  in the Bible that record the life and ministry of Jesus, God's only Son.  These accounts are authored by the following men:  Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.   As you begin your day, imagine hearing the words of Jesus before all else.  In a world filled with bad news, the good news of Jesus is needed more than ever.   The gospel lessons are good news for men in the 21st Century.  

What is the morning Psalm?   The psalms are poetic sayings about God that express human emotion.   Think of the psalms like a series of poems, spoken words or even lyrical raps put to music.  They were not always put to music, but the psalmists cover a range of topics that deal with finding God in every aspect of life.   The psalms provide a soundtrack for our lives and they often express what we find hard to verbalize.   Read them carefully and keep hitting replay.    

Daily Manhood Moments:  How often do you talk about your faith in God?  Sometimes men are shy about their faith and have difficulty discussing it.  A daily dose of encouragement will keep your faith alive and growing.  The Manhood Moment is designed to take on issues that men are facing and put them in the context of faith.  We'll try to keep the content fresh so you are daily challenged.  

Nightly Prayers:   Each day has a link to evening prayers.   Ideally, these prayers are best prayed before lights out and getting rest.   In the daily office tradition, this is called compline from the word "complete."  These prayers complete the day and put your body, mind and soul to rest.  

What to know more?   Click down on the Home page arrow to learn about RIP'd 4 Life Ministries; click again to read Rev. Bob Hunter's bio.  Follow us on social media and subscribe to our YouTube channel: