Kelley Olson

Hello! Welcome to my capstone page where I will talk a bit about my research, my love for sociology and a little about my life!

This year has been a whirl-wind but I am happy for the time we all had together and thankful for all of you!

I hope you all enjoy my page!

~Kelley Olson


Queer and Trans* Self Expression in Places of Worship


Everyone has intersecting identities. For my research I studied primarily the intersectionalities of queer and/or trans* identity and religious identity. I studied how a person’s place of worship and their congregants shapes a persons queer and/or trans* identity and self expression. I interviewed ten participants that identified as queer and/or trans* and self identified as a congregant (past or present) in a place of worship (i.e. church, cathedral, synagog, etc.). I found that from the ten participants there were three main themes: stunted self expression, hiding parts of your identity, and integration of identities. Most of the participants experienced negative messages from their place of worship and their congregations which in turn impacted their expression of self. Some participants also touched on the difficulty of being a person of color while being queer and/or trans* and religious. Many of the participants that were people of color experienced stronger ties to their place of worship and their congregants as well as experienced more non-affirming messages about being queer and/or trans*. My hope is that with this research we can better understand how a persons congregation and a persons place of worship can harm or uplift queer and/or trans* identities and their self expression. This may also better help us to reach out to and uplift queer and trans* identities within places of worship.

Post-Grad Plans

I will be taking a gap year to study for my MCATs and work/gain more experience in the medical field. After my gap year I will be going to medical school with the hopeful end result of becoming a pediatric oncologist!

Favorite Sociologist

Emile Durkheim (I probably used him in too many of my papers) and Karl Marx.


Sociology Major

Why I Love Sociology

I fell in love with sociology after my first class freshmen year with Professor Leon-Guerrero, Professor Luther and Professor Gregson (what a great group of professors!!)

I loved learning about our society through a sociological lens. It makes the world around me make more sense as I try to understand how societal factors shape a person and society itself.


I would like to give a big thank you to all of the sociology professors as they taught me and encouraged me.

I am also like to thank my family and my friends for reminding me that I can do what I set my mind to even if I am experiencing lifes challenges.

I would like to personally thank Professor Leon-Guerrero for always checking in, pushing me, and believing in me throughout all four years. These four years would have been a lot more difficult without your support and guidance.

I would also like to thank Professor Luther and Professor McCloud for their constant encouragement and belief that I would be able to finish even if the light seemed dim.