Sociology Capstones

Welcome to the capstone website for the Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice. We are pleased to share the excellent capstone research from the Class of 2020!

Drs. Grosvenor, Leon-Guerrero, Luther, Fitzwater Gonzales, Pitman, and McCloud; Not pictured: Drs. Gregson and Ciabattari

Dear Class of 2020,

We are so proud of all you've accomplished this year. Despite all of the challenges that come with conducting sociological research during a global pandemic, you managed to complete phenomenal capstone projects. We appreciate your adaptability, resilience, humor, kindness, and gratitude throughout the process. You are a capstone class that we will remember forever.

We look forward to gathering together to celebrate your accomplishments when we are allowed to be together again. Until then, please know how proud we are of each and every one of you. You did it! -Kate and Lauri