Marisa Etzell

Thanks for visiting my capstone page! Below I share about my capstone research, my future, plans, and what I love about sociology.

Marisa Etzell


Women Entrepreneurs: Acting from Agency or Succumbing to Structure?


In this study, I explored the journey a woman takes in order to become an entrepreneur. I conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with ten self-identified women entrepreneurs over the age of 18 years old. Overall, I found there were three common markers along these women’s journeys. First, these women experienced a pivotal moment of pain and disillusionment in their life and felt the need to make a change. This marked the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey and from there, they stepped into a journey of growth and many identity shifts occurred along the way. Finally, it was crucial for these women to have a community of people to support and guide them along their uncertain journey of entrepreneurship. Based on my findings, I recommend open honest conversation about the challenges that come along with the journey of entrepreneurship, and also more flexible work options. This is especially relevant in the midst of the current global pandemic; it is evident the economy is shifting, and we must implement a gendered framework in order to uplift women and support them in their endeavors, entrepreneurial or otherwise. To learn more, check out my full paper.

Post Graduation Plans

It changes on the daily, but here are several big ideas and visions I have at the moment:

Heart to Heart Podcast

PEACEing the World Together: One conversation, one community, one country at a time

Being a life coach/mentor/guide and supporting others to move from their head to their heart

Favorite Sociologist

Oh gosh, I don’t really pick favorites, but if I had to choose one, I’d go with the classic Karl Marx ;)


Sociology Major

Hispanic Studies Minor

Peace Corps Prep Minor

What I love about Sociology

I LOVE when sociology comes alive!!! Specifically, I loved taking an upper level Sociology Course in Northern Ireland during January 2020 learning about topics such as Diversity, Conflict, and Peace :D

I LOVE the connections I’ve made with my Sociology Professors at PLU!

I also really LOVE the amazing people I’ve met, specifically in the Sociology Department. Yay for all of us SOCI students changing the world one sociological lens at a time ;)


I have so much gratitude for the Sociology Faculty, especially Anna Leon-Guerrero, Galen Ciscell, Kate Luther, Laura Fitzwater Gonzales, Lauri McCloud, and Teresa Ciabattari. Thank you for the encouragement you have poured into me over the last four years. You believed in me before I believed in myself.

A massive shout out to my friends and family for being there during the highs and lows of my college career. I don’t know how many times I told you I want to drop out, but wow, I made it! Thanks for cheering me on all the way to the end! Heck, now that it’s almost over, I don’t want it to end.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of my participants for trusting me. I am honored to have held space for you to open up and share your story. Here’s to more empowered women entrepreneurs in the world!!!