Edmonton & Area Activities
Spring Programs
Check out the events and programs in the City’s Recreation Centres Program Guide
Winter programs:
Toboggan Hills The City maintains toboggan hills at several locations with safe run-outs, safety signage and reduced hazards.
Outdoor Skating & Ice Rinks Skaters can use public outdoor ice skating surfaces in major parks or Community Leagues.
Cross Country Skiing Edmonton’s River Valley is home to a large number of cross-country ski trails. These trails are accessible, open to everyone and regularly groomed and to accommodate different levels of skiers.
Get involved in 2024!
Get Involved with the City of Edmonton Bike Plan
Subscribe to the City of Edmonton's Indigenous Relations
Organize and register for guided urban tree plantings with Root for Trees
Volunteer opportunities in Edmonton click here!
Find links and contacts in the Indigenous Edmonton Directory.
Discover how the City can help you with community programs and neighbourhood events.
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City of Edmonton Programs and Activities
Fall is here and with it comes a huge variety of things to do for adults, children, seniors, families, community groups, and schools. Check out below what the City has to offer. Maybe you’ll even find an activity that your community league can offer as a special event for your members to enjoy together!
Central Lions Senior Association Programs
Central Lions provides a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone 55 and older to participate in recreation, education and social programs, as well as events that enrich the body, mind and spirit.
River Valley Programs/Outdoor Pursuits
Spend some quality time learning a new skill that will stay with you for the rest of your life. River Valley Programs provides outdoor pursuit programs to community groups, Edmonton and area schools, corporations and the general public.
Feeling spontaneous? The City of Edmonton offers a variety of drop-in activities, with no registration required. Simply look up the schedule for when these offerings are available and drop in.
Join in on games, sports, crafts, music, drama and special events min a playground near you. A complete list of activities and special events are posted on the side of Green Shacks each week.