Pleasantview Activities
Kids Activities
Come play soccer with Pleasantview Community this season!
Outdoor soccer is affordable, fun, and a great way for your child to meet other children in your community. Outdoor Soccer begins the 1st week of May (weather permitting) and ends late June, except for teams proceeding to post season play (U13-U19) who may play into July & August.
Outdoor Soccer Registration starts February 1st and ends February 29th. Registration is a two-step process:
Parents must go to the SWEMSA website ( to enter player details and print off forms. You can pay online or at the in-person registration.
Come to one of the in-person registrations at the Lendrum Community Hall (11335-57 Avenue NW) taking place:
February 16th from 10 am to 12 pm
February 23rd from 10 am to 12 pm
Remember to bring the following items to the in-person registration:
- Printed registration forms
- Proof of age for player (e.g. health care card, birth certificate)
- Proof of residence for player and residence (e.g. guardian drivers license or utility bill)
- Deposit cheques (one $50 uniform deposit per player, and one $50 volunteer deposit per family), and
- Registration cheques (if not paying online).
You must be a Community League Member to play community soccer. Memberships may be purchased online (via ).
Our community soccer program is completely run by parent volunteers, so I invite all families to pitch in and help make the upcoming season amazing! There are countless ways to help, including coaching, coordinating referees, organizing equipment, and helping out at the season wrap-up party.
If you have any questions please feel free to get in-touch!
Matthew Hawkeye
Lendrum & Pleasantview Soccer Coordinator
Adult Activities
Check out these great opportunities in Pleasantview:
Title: TaiChi & Qigong- Paul Bromley
Times: Tuesday from 6:30PM to 8:30PM
Dates: 06-Sept-2022 thru 20-Dec-2022
*Pay What you Want(PWYM); as the value-for-value model used.
Title: Yoga- Megan Kim
Times: Wednesday from 9:30AM to 10:30AM
Dates: Session 1: 07-Sept-2022 thru 26-Oct-2022
Session 2: 02-Nov-2022 thru 21-Dec-2022
Price: $104 / Session(or drop-ins for $15 per class)