Girls Basketball

Head Coach- Jason Conuel

 This is Coach Conuel's first year as the Taconic Girls Varsity Head Coach after many years in the Boys Program at Taconic. 

“My goal in coaching when I started was I always wanted to be a varsity coach,” Conuel said. “Getting a head coaching job is tough. I had several opportunities at other schools, and I liked them, but I was kind of in the top two but never got them. Taconic opened up, and I said, 'why not?' I’m a graduate of Taconic, and I love the building and the pride that Taconic has.”

As for the immediate goals for this season, Conuel is looking to build the culture that he wants Taconic to have both on and off the court. “We’re trying to build a culture and a family where we’re represented in the community,” Conuel said. “We always want to hold ourselves with class and dignity with whatever we do.”

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