
Head Coach- Jermaine Sistrunk

 Coach "Maine"as he is known to his players, was a graduate of Taconic himself. A rich history in athletics, Jermaine played semi professional football for 10 years before turning to coaching. A well established name in the youth programs, Coach Sistrunk has been helping Coach Taconic student athletes in variety of sports including; girls basketball and football over the past 13 years. 

This will be Coach's 4th year as the man leading the Taconic Football program and prides his program and athletes on unity and committment. This upcoming season, coach is most excited about the potential of his offensive line. As any football fan, coach, or player knows, the offensive line is a driving factor in the success of any program, and coach is well aware fo this. Taconic opens up their season at home on Friday Semptember 9th against Drury High School @ Berkshire Community College!