Boys and Girls Cross Country

Boys Head Coach- Paul Phelps

Coach Phelps is a graduate, was a cross country and track athlete at Taconic High School. He competed at Keene State University in New Hampshire where his team competed at the National Level. 

Coach has been coaching Track & Field and Cross-Country at Taconic High School since 2008 and runs the Berkshire Thunder and Lightning Youth Track & Field Program, all while also teaching history at Taconic. The program is looking to build on last year's success in the 2023 season.

Girls Head Coach- Mike Menard

Coach Menard has been leading the Taconic Girls Cross Counry program for 9 years. A distance runner throughout high school, an all Western MMass selection in cross country and track. He is an ultra runner, Top 10 USATF Mountain Runner, and Founder of Berkshire Ultra Running Community for Service (BURCS). Coach is a professional pastry chef and top 2% chess player in the world. 

He is most excited about the upcooming season to see the potential in his young team. Nothing gets the team going like the old saying "Perfect conditions to run!"