Visual Arts

Course Overview

This course is an advanced course for those students who wish to work on portfolio pieces for college admissions. Students will work on furthering their skills and techniques for higher quality work. Each student will create assignments based on their individual needs for a college portfolio. Students will assess each project and be able to talk about their work using artistic terminology. This course will be one semester in length for ½ credit.

Touching base on Art History from Cave art to Modern Day

Continuing their learning of elements and principles of art and how they can be interpreted emotionally

Perfecting their skills with different media such as pen and ink, colored pencils, charcoal, pencil, clay, oil and chalk pastels, tempera paint, watercolor paint, and computer art.

Create their own ideas for projects that concern themselves with the elements and principles and refining different media/techniques

Learning and refining skills and techniques that will help the students grow, and communicate

Skills Taught

Individualized based on the students particular interests, needs, and skill level

· Student interest-

Choice of project subject matter and media with guidance from the teacher

· Student needs-

Based on what discipline the student is considering for college and what is required for a portfolio for admission

· Skill Level-

-Assessed by the teacher by the work produced and student assessment

-Assessed by the student with critical reflections and a digital portfolio

Units will consists of: portraiture, figure drawing, landscape, direct observation, abstract art, self-portrait, and perspective

Individuals will work at their own pace and may not be all on the same project. Students will seek their own solutions to problems/themes provided by the teacher

Visual Arts 2, 3, and 4

Course Overview:

Students analyze what pieces will be considered official portfolio pieces and what they are lacking from a strong portfolio. Students will then create their ideas for assignments around what is lacking in their portfolios and work on filling in those blanks. This can be re-working old pieces that weren't successful and/or creating new.

Skills Taught

Skills Taught

Individualized based on the students particular interests, needs, and skill level

· Student interest-

Choice of project subject matter and media with guidance from the teacher

· Student needs-

Based on what discipline the student is considering for college and what is required for a portfolio for admission

· Skill Level-

-Assessed by the teacher by the work produced and student assessment

-Assessed by the student with critical reflections and a digital portfolio

Units will consists of: portraiture, figure drawing, landscape, direct observation, abstract art, self-portrait, and perspective

Individuals will work at their own pace and may not be all on the same project. Students will seek their own solutions to problems/themes provided by the teacher