11th Grade Students

Important information regarding vaccines can be found here

In order to align with Pennsylvania Public School Code Section 1402. Health Services (e) which requires that students upon original entry, 6th grade and 11th grade be given a "comprehensive appraisal" of their health, the School District of Philadelphia now requires proof of a physical exam by a licensed medical provider be submitted to the Certified School Nurse (CSN) at the start of 11th grade.  

Rising Juniors at Central High School need to submit updated proof of a comprehensive physical exam (well child check-up) to be in compliance with this change.  Please have your child’s medical provider complete and sign a Report of Physical Examination dated on after July 1 after their sophomore year to be submitted to one of the CSN’s at the beginning of the school year.  Forms dated prior to July 1 may be returned to the student.  

Thank you for your helping Central High School maintain compliance with Pennsylvania’s school health regulations!