May 20, 2024
Happy Friday Eagles,
Here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday
Please check your email about graduation
Attend graduation practice
Practice saying names about graduation
Mentally prepare for your freshmen advocacy class: August 15th, 2024
Monica French
A Look Ahead:
sometimes, we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
August 15: Fall 2024 Kick Off!
May 13, 2024
Happy Friday Eagles,
Here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday
All Grade Levels:
Broadcast using THIS link. If the video doesn’t appear on this page, click the " live” tab.
Please come out and support the All-Star Eagles. Meet us on the soccer field as soon as you can to cheer on your favorite Eagles as they compete in the last All-Star Eagles game of the year. See you on the pitch.
Please quickly review these Google Slides on textbook returns with your students before PGTV goes live.
Remember to complete the PGHS Exit Survey in grade-level Google Classroom
Just in case you need these, Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
If you’re absent on a Monday: Advocacy and Substitutes
If you are even absent on a Monday, and you know your sub has access to the school’s computer system, please direct them to this website:
Every week, Advocacy lesson plans are posted on this website; just instruct your sub to the specific grade-level tab.
You can also direct your students to the website via their grade-level Google Classroom. Have students click on the Advocacy tab.
Have a GREAT weekend,
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
May 20: Grade checks, library books check, Party!!!
May 6, 2024
Happy Friday Eagles,
Here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday
All Grade Levels:
PGTV 😊 using THIS link. If the video doesn’t appear on this page, click the " live” tab.
Please quickly review these Google Slides on textbook returns with your students before PGTV goes live.
If you didn’t have your students complete the EGUSD survey last week, please ensure this is done.
SLIDE #3: EGUSD Student Perspectives Survey (link and directions in the Google Slides).
There is also a staff survey for teachers. HERE is the link for the staff survey.
Remember to complete the PGHS Exit Survey in grade-level Google Classroom
Senior Advocacy Teachers will distribute Library Notices on Monday, May 6, in Advocacy 12 classes per Ed. Code notification of what seniors must return to be cleared for Graduation Activities.
If students want to wear an adornment at graduation, tell them to read this week’s Advocacy Update or check their Synergy email to complete the paperwork.
Just in case you need these, Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
If you’re absent on a Monday: Advocacy and Substitutes
If you are even absent on a Monday, and you know your sub has access to the school’s computer system, please direct them to this website:
Every week, Advocacy lesson plans are posted on this website; just instruct your sub to the specific grade-level tab.
You can also direct your students to the website via their grade-level Google Classroom. Have students click on the Advocacy tab.
Have a GREAT weekend,
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
May 13: OPTIONS: Grade checks, overdue books checks, and goal-setting, All-Star Eagles
May 20: Party!!!
April 29, 2024
Happy Friday Eagles,
Here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday
All Grade Levels:
Broadcast of announcements 😊 using THIS link. If the video doesn’t pop up on this page, click the tab that says “live.”
SENIORS: Remember to complete the PGHS Exit Survey in grade-level Google Classroom
Just in case you need these, Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
If you’re absent on a Monday: Advocacy and Substitutes
If you are even absent on a Monday, and you know your sub has access to the school’s computer system, please direct them to this website:
Every week, Advocacy lesson plans are posted on this website; just instruct your sub to the specific grade-level tab.
You can also direct your students to the website via their grade-level Google Classroom. Have students click on the Advocacy tab.
Have a GREAT weekend,
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
May 6: PGTV
May 13: OPTIONS: Grade checks, overdue books checks, and goal-setting, All-Star Eagles
May 20: Party!!!
April 22, 2024
Happy Friday PGHS,
Here’s what is planned for Advocacy on Monday.
All Grade Levels:
Broadcast of announcements 😊 using THIS link. If the video doesn’t pop up on this page, click the tab that says “live.”
At the end of the broadcast will be ASB election speeches; students grades 9-11 will vote via a ballot in Google Classroom after the speeches, through Wednesday
Digital Citizenship (part of the district requirement: Algorithms.
VIDEO: about 9 minutes long
Discussion: 5 minutes
Just in case you need these, Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
If you’re absent on a Monday: Advocacy and Substitutes
If you are even absent on a Monday, and you know your sub has access to the school’s computer system, please direct them to this website:
Every week, Advocacy lesson plans are posted on this website; just instruct your sub to the specific grade-level tab.
You can also direct your students to the website via their grade-level Google Classroom. Have students click on the Advocacy tab.
Have a GREAT weekend,
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
April 29: EGUSD Survey, Kindness Video, All-Star Eagles Video.
May 6: PGTV
May 13: OPTIONS: Grade checks, overdue books checks, and goal-setting, All-Star Eagles
May 20: Party!!!
April 15, 2024
Happy Friday PGHS,
Here’s what is planned for Advocacy on Monday.
All Grade Levels:
PGTV 😊 using THIS link. If the video doesn’t pop up on this page, click the tab that says “live.”
Collect Community Service hours: grades 9-11:
Here is the GOOGLE SHEET for inputting hours. If you need instructions, click on the 2nd sheet at the bottom that says “instructions”
SENIORS ONLY: ASB will be dropping into your classes to distribute some Senior Ball information
Just in case you need these, Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
If you’re absent on a Monday: Advocacy and Substitutes
If you are even absent on a Monday, and you know your sub has access to the school’s computer system, please direct them to this website:
Every week, Advocacy lesson plans are posted on this website; just instruct your sub to the specific grade-level tab.
You can also direct your students to the website via their grade-level Google Classroom. Have students click on the Advocacy tab.
Have a GREAT weekend,
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
April 22: Student Senate Meeting #4, ASB Student Speeches (during announcements). Digital Citizenship: AI Algorithms
April 29: EGUSD Survey
May 6: PGTV
May 13: OPTIONS: Grade checks, overdue books checks, and goal-setting, All-Star Eagles
May 20: Party!!!
April 8, 2024
Happy Friday PGHS,
Here’s what is planned for Advocacy on Monday. Please read this before school starts on Monday so that you are prepared for the drill at 10:07. This is a surprise drill. Students are not aware of this; let’s keep it that way so that we have a real drill.
All Grade Levels:
There will be a lock-down drill (see below)
Here is everything organized in a Google Slides presentation
Video that reviews lock-down procedures (you may start at 1:55).
Video that offers some last-minute reminders about the High School Portfolio (3 minutes)
Collect notes for the Student Senate Meeting on April 22nd. The Student Senator can find the link in their grade-level Google Classroom, or you can access the FORM HERE
Play the announcement broadcast using THIS link. STARTS at 10:30
If you don’t see the video pop up, click “LIVE”
The broadcast will start at 10:30 (hopefully, but things are up in the air due to the drill).
If we don’t have the broadcast, here’s my script for the broadcast that you can read to the students
This is a reminder for all staff to help prepare for the upcoming active shooter drill.
*We are not advertising this drill to students and families in advance.
Please carefully review the instructions provided below.
On April 8, 2024, we will conduct an Active Shooter Drill, which will be divided into three parts:
Active Shooter Drill Goal:
Getting students into classes during the passing period from 2nd period to advocacy.
#1. The drill will begin via the intercom at 10:07 am.
Teachers, when the bell rings at 10:05 to dismiss 2nd period, please keep your doors open this prompts students to enter classes with open doors.
( For the drill, students are not encouraged to go to the parking lots or to the restrooms)
#2. Lockdown: All campus doors should be closed by 10:10 AM ( The class will follow lockdown procedures)
Teachers and Staff, all campus doors should be closed by 10:10 AM :
Close and lock your door.
Close / Lock windows
Turn off lights
Instruct your students to wait quietly until you hear the intercom message " The campus is all clear, this concludes our active shooter drill."
#3. After the active shooter drill ends, students and staff will proceed to your advocacy class.
The drill is expected to conclude at 10:20 am. The intercom message will signal the end of the drill, and staff and students should proceed to their regularly scheduled advocacy classes.
Have a GREAT weekend,
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
**There is a district survey coming your way sometime soon. We don’t have the survey from the district yet**
April 15: PGTV
April 22: Student Senate Meeting #4. Digital Citizenship: AI Algorithms, Seniors: To-Do List, kindness video
April 29: District Survey
May 6: PGTV
May 13: OPTIONS: Grade checks, overdue books checks, and goal-setting, All Star Eagles
May 20: Party!!!
April 1, 2024
All Grade Levels:
Play the broadcast of announcements using THIS link
if you don’t see the video pop up, click “LIVE”Active Shooter Information:
10-minute video (slide 2)
Review “Active Shooter Drill Information” after the video (slide 3)
Review Information on the High School Portfolio
Frosh, Soph, and Juniors Slide 4
Seniors, Slide 5
SENIORS ONLY: Go to your grade-level Google Classroom and vote for Ball Royalty
March 25, 2024
Happy Friday PGHS,
Here’s what is planned for Advocacy on Monday.
Play announcements HERE. These announcements are important because they include student speeches for those running for the EGUSD student board rep.
Students will come into your advocacy class to discuss Sober Grad Night.
Distribute library overdue notices to students (see email from Dany’l from 3/22).
COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS: Teachers can start collecting and electronically submitting community service hours (LINK). Remind students that hours are due April 1st. It says March 29th, but that’s a Friday, and students can’t turn hours into you on a Friday.
PORTFOLIO: Students can use the remainder of the time to work on their portfolios.
TEACHERS: If you need to input your Community Service hours, you can find it on the staff Google Classroom page or HERE
Just in case you need these, Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
If you’re absent on a Monday: Advocacy and Substitutes
If you are even absent on a Monday, and you know your sub has access to the school’s computer system, please direct them to this website:
Every week, Advocacy lesson plans are posted on this website; just instruct your sub to the specific grade-level tab.
You can also direct your students to the website via their grade-level Google Classroom. Have students click on the Advocacy tab.
Have a GREAT weekend,
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
**There is a district survey coming your way sometime soon. We don’t have the survey from the district yet**
April 1: Active Shooter Lesson, Digital Citizenship: AI Algorithms
April 8: **Collect Student Senate Notes
April 15: PGTV
April 22: Student Senate Meeting #4. Character Strong: Stress Relief of Well-Being
April 29: Frosh: Stress and Coping, Soph and Juniors: College and Major Search, Seniors: To-Do List
May 6: PGTV
May 13: Grade checks, overdue books checks, and goal-setting
May 20: Party!!!
March 18, 2024
Happy Friday PGHS,
Here’s what is planned for Advocacy on Monday after Spring Break.
All Grade Levels
Just in case you need these, Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
If you’re absent on a Monday: Advocacy and Substitutes
If you are even absent on a Monday, and you know your sub has access to the school’s computer system, please direct them to this website:
Every week, Advocacy lesson plans are posted on this website; just instruct your sub to the specific grade-level tab.
You can also direct your students to the website via their grade-level Google Classroom. Have students click on the Advocacy tab.
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
March 25: Student speeches for the school board, kindness video, *Senior fundraising, and work on High School Portfolio (Community Service)
April 1: Active Shooter Lesson, Digital Citizenship: AI Algorithms
April 8: **Collect Student Senate Notes
April 15: PGTV
April 22: Student Senate Meeting #4. Character Strong: Stress Relief of Well-Being
April 29: Frosh: Stress and Coping, Soph and Juniors: College and Major Search, Seniors: To-Do List
May 6: PGTV
May 13: Grade checks, overdue books check, and goal-setting
May 20: Party!!!
March 4, 2024
Happy Friday PGHS,
Here’s what is planned for Advocacy on Monday
Broadcast of announcements THIS LINK
Open these Google Slides
Review Scholarship Information
Review Student Senate Notes
Review Portfolio Due Dates
Work on Online Portfolio
Just in case you need these, Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
If you’re absent on a Monday: Advocacy and Substitutes
If you are even absent on a Monday, and you know your sub has access to the school’s computer system, please direct them to this website:
Every week, Advocacy lesson plans are posted on this website; just instruct your sub to the specific grade-level tab.
You can also direct your students to the website via their grade-level Google Classroom. Have students click on the Advocacy tab.
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
March 4: Work on the Summative Letter and review Community Service
March 11: Spring Break
March 18: PGTV
March 25: Kindness and work on High School Portfolio (Community Service Updates)
April 1: Digital Citizenship: AI Algorithms
April 8: Collect Student Senate Notes
April 15: PGTV
April 22: Student Senate Meeting #4. Character Strong: Stress Relief of Well-Being
April 29: Frosh: Stress and Coping, Soph and Juniors: College and Major Search, Seniors: To-Do List
May 6: PGTV
May 13: Grade checks, overdue books check, and goal-setting
May 20: Party!!!
February 26, 2024
Happy Friday PGHS,
Here’s what is planned for Advocacy on Monday. FIRST: When you student senator walks in please direct them to the Black
Box Theater for the Quarter #3 Student Senate Meeting
All Grade Levels:
Send your Student Senators to the Black Box Theater for the Student Senate Meeting ASAP
Broadcast of announcements THIS LINK
Black History Month Events
Review of High School Portfolio: Video
EGUSD Surveys for Staff and Students
If you need to input your Community Service hours, you can find it on the staff Google Classroom page, or HERE
Just in case you need these, Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
If you’re absent on a Monday: Advocacy and Substitutes
If you are even absent on a Monday, and you know your sub has access to the school’s computer system, please direct them to this website:
Every week, Advocacy lesson plans are posted on this website; just instruct your sub to the specific grade-level tab.
You can also direct your students to the website via their grade-level Google Classroom. Have students click on the Advocacy tab.
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
March 4: Work on the Summative Letter and review Community Service
March 11: Spring Break
March 18: PGTV
March 25: Kindness and work on High School Portfolio (Community Service Updates)
April 1: Digital Citizenship: AI Algorithms
April 8: Collect Student Senate Notes
April 15: PGTV
April 22: Student Senate Meeting #4. Character Strong: Stress Relief of Well-Being
April 29: Frosh: Stress and Coping, Soph and Juniors: College and Major Search, Seniors: To-Do List
May 6: PGTV
May 13: Grade checks, overdue books check, and goal-setting
May 20: Party!!!
February 5, 2024
Happy Friday PGHS,
Here’s what is planned for Advocacy on Monday.
Show the broadcast using THIS LINK
Google Slides presentation HERE
Peer counselors will drop in sometime to highlight their program
Announcements about the yearbook and blood drive (slide 2)
Black History Month at PGHS (slides 3-4)
Collect Student Senate Notes (slide 5)
Review High School Portfolio (slides 7-9)
Just in case you need these, Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
If you’re absent on a Monday: Advocacy and Substitutes
If you are even absent on a Monday, and you know your sub has access to the school’s computer system, please direct them to this website:
Every week, Advocacy lesson plans are posted on this website; just instruct your sub to the specific grade-level tab.
You can also direct your students to the website via their grade-level Google Classroom. Have students click on the Advocacy tab.
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
February 12: President’s Day
February 19: President’s Day
February 26: Kindness video (boomerang), multicultural club participants video “I hope to see you, and I can’t wait to support . . .” Return to David Flood and kindness. Student Senate Meeting. Senior Advocacy and “Snap Raise” fundraiser
March 4: Work on Summative Letter
March 11: Spring Break
January 29, 2024
‼️ There is a senior assembly in the Big Gym. Take your students to the big gym straight away ‼️
Link to Senior Presentation
Just in case you need these, Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
If you’re absent on a Monday: Advocacy and Substitutes
If you are even absent on a Monday, and you know your sub has access to the school’s computer system, please direct them to this website:
Every week, Advocacy lesson plans are posted on this website; just instruct your sub to the specific grade-level tab.
You can also direct your students to the website via their grade-level Google Classroom. Have students click on the Advocacy tab.
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
February 5: Freshmen look at elective options in Google Classroom, ALL GRADE LEVELS: Collect Student Senate Notes #3, and visit from Peer Counselors talking about their program. SENIORS: High School Portfolio Video #3 and work on the portfolio.
February 12: President’s Day
February 19: President’s Day
February 26: Kindness video (boomerang), multicultural club participants video “I hope to see you, and I can’t wait to support . . .” Return to David Flood and kindness. Student Senate Meeting.
March 4: Work on Summative Letter
March 11: Spring Break
January 22, 2024
Hey PG, here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday,
Stream PGTV on this link:
During the broadcast, please log on to your grade-level Google Classroom and check out Spring 2024 Course Selective Electives. Sophomores will fill out their course requests for next year in their World History class January 22-26.
Just in case you need these, Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
If you’re absent on a Monday: Advocacy and Substitutes
If you are even absent on a Monday, and you know your sub has access to the school’s computer system, please direct them to this website:
Every week, Advocacy lesson plans are posted on this website; just instruct your sub to the specific grade-level tab.
You can also direct your students to the website via their grade-level Google Classroom. Have students click on the Advocacy tab.
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
January 29: GRADES 9-11: High School Portfolio Video #3 and worked on their reflection window #2. SENIORS: Senior Assembly
February 5: Freshmen look at elective options in Google Classroom, ALL GRADE LEVELS: Collect Student Senate Notes #3, and visit from Peer Counselors talking about their program. SENIORS: High School Portfolio Video #3 and work on the portfolio.
February 12: President’s Day
February 19: President’s Day
February 26: PGTV and Student Senate Meeting
March 4: Work on Summative Letter
March 11: Spring Break
January 8, 2024
Stream the announcements on this link: or wait until I send out the recorded broadcast half way through class.
Show this Google Slides HERE
Spring Kick-Off Video and Introduction to Staff in Student Services
HoCo Guess Pass Instructions
JUNIORS: Review course selection electives
SENIORS: Review financial aid lesson
Just in case you need these, Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
January 15: No School, MLK Day
January 22: PGTV (Sophomores look at elective options in Google Classroom)
January 29: Stress Management Video #2, College and Major Search (9th and 10th Grade) Major and Career Search (11th and 12th grade)
February 5: Digital Citizenship (Freshmen look at elective options in Google Classroom), Work on Reflection Window #2
February 12: President’s Day
February 19: President’s Day
February 26: PGTV
March 4: Work on Summative Letter
March 11: Spring Break
December 11, 2023
Here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday.
Click on orange to play the live announcements. If there are orange-cone problems you can stream the announcements on this link: or wait until I send out the recorded broadcast half way through class.
Show this Google Slides HERE
Video reminders on the library and high school portfolio
Instructions on how to access notes from the Student Senate meeting. Here are the notes for teachers; students can see the notes in their grade-level Google Classroom.
High School Portfolio instructions and reminders
Just in case you need these, Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
January 8: Spring Semester Kick-Off Video and Student Services Introductions. JUNIORS (look at elective options). SENIORS: Financial Aid
January 15: No School, MLK Day
January 22: PGTV (Sophomores look at elective options in Google Classroom), Seniors financial aid
January 29: Stress Management Video #2, College and Major Search (9th and 10th Grade) Major and Career Search (11th and 12th grade)
February 5: Digital Citizenship (Freshmen look at elective options in Google Classroom), Work on Reflection Window #2
February 12: President’s Day
February 19: President’s Day
February 26: PGTV
March 4: Work on Summative Letter
March 11: Spring Break
December 4, 2023
Hey PG,
Here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday.
*Send Student Senators to the Black Box Theater once they check in for attendance.
Click on the orange cone for PGTV. Last week there were technical issues because the district ran an update that messed with our system. The problem should be resolved.
Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
December 11: Review Student Senate Notes and work on Portfolio, UNICEF Activity (??).
January 8: Spring Semester Kick-Off Video and Student Services Introductions. JUNIORS (look at elective options)
January 15: No School, MLK Day
January 22: PGTV (Sophomores look at elective options in Google Classroom)
January 29: Stress Management Video #2, College and Major Search (9th and 10th Grade) Major and Career Search (11th and 12th grade)
February 5: Digital Citizenship (Freshmen look at elective options in Google Classroom), Work on Reflection Window #2
February 12: President’s Day
February 19: President’s Day
February 26: PGTV
March 4: Work on Summative Letter
March 11: Spring Break
November 27, 2023
Hey PG,
Here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday after the break.
Click on the orange cone for the announcements. I will record the announcements and email them to staff halfway through advocacy. They will also be available in the Advocacy Update.
HERE is the Google Slides Presentation. Below are more detailed descriptions and answers to possible questions you may have about the lesson. I apologize for the length; there are many moving parts this week. SENIOR TEACHERS, scroll to the end of this email to read some information about Senior Reflection Windows.
ASB will come into your classroom to deliver the “Make a Wish Stars” and give a short presentation on Kindness Week. ASB students are spread pretty thin around campus, so they might come at the start, middle, or end of advocacy.
Collect Notes for the next Student Senate Meeting. Have your student senator access the Google Form under the “Advocacy” category in their grade-level Google Classroom. Please fill out only one Google Form per advocacy class. Here’s the link if you want it. reminder that you must be logged in to your @egusd account to access the link.
Have students access their “High School Portfolio To-Do List” under the High School Portfolio category in their grade-level Google Classroom and work on writing their reflection window. Please instruct them to review the sample Online Portfolio, also found in Google Classroom. (We will also work on the Portfolio on December 11th)
i. New this year: Students will type their reflection window in their online portfolio; there will be no official turn-in process for their reflection windows. You may ask to see students’ online portfolios and reflection windows by having them send you the link to their website, but it is not required.
ii. Sample Website: Here’s a link to a sample Online Portfolio that I made. This is also in the students’ Google Classroom.
iii. Here’s a link to the High School Portfolio Website if you have additional questions.
iv. Staff Google Classroom: This information, and a lot more, is posted in the staff Google Classroom under the “High School Portfolio” category.
SENIORS: Please complete the above. Seniors had a different prompt for their reflection window their freshman year and may need to rewrite or re-word their reflection window prompts to fit the prompts aligned with the Graduate Profile, this is so that their prompts are aligned with the High School Reflection Essay they will write in their English class.
Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
December 4: Student Senate Meeting, PGTV
December 11: Review Student Senate Notes and work on Portfolio, UNICEF Activity.
January 8: Spring Semester Kick-Off Video and Student Services Introductions. JUNIORS (look at elective options)
January 15: No School, MLK Day
January 22: PGTV (Sophomores look at elective options in Google Classroom)
January 29: Stress Management Video #2, College and Major Search (9th and 10th Grade) Major and Career Search (11th and 12th grade)
February 5: Digital Citizenship (Freshmen look at elective options in Google Classroom), Work on Reflection Window #2
February 12: President’s Day
February 19: President’s Day
February 26: PGTV
March 4: Work on Summative Letter
March 11: Spring Break
November 13, 2023
Hey PG! Here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday.
Click on the orange cone to access the broadcast of PGTV. I will record the broadcast and add it to the Advocacy Update sent out later on Monday.
Google Classroom Codes
Frosh: n4wtimd
Soph: jkmzrym
Juniors: bxy6gby
Seniors: p4xc4fy
Have a GREAT (long) WEEKEND,
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
November 27: ASB Kindness Activity. Collect notes for Student Senate Meeting #2, Work on Online High School Portfolio (here’s a sample website I will share with students on this day).
December 5: Student Senate Meeting, PGTV
December 11: Review Student Senate Notes, work on Portfolio.
November 6, 2023
Hey PG! Here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday.
Click on the orange cone to play the announcements. I will send a YouTube link with the announcements out halfway through advocacy if you are having orange-cone issues
Open and show THIS Google Slides Presentation on Stress Management and information about Ruby Bridges Day.
Google Classroom
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
November 13: PGTV
November 27: ASB Kindness Activity. Collect notes for Student Senate Meeting #2, Work on Online High School Portfolio (here’s a sample website I will share with students on this day).
December 5: Student Senate Meeting, PGTV
October 30, 2023
Hey PG! Here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday.
Yearbook needs your students’ help. Direct them to go to Google Classroom and access the link “Fill this out for the yearbook, PLEASE.” You can also show the QR Code attached.
All grade levels are watching a Halloween edition of PGTV. Click on the orange cone to play the broadcast.
Google Classroom
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
November 6: ASB Make a Wish Activity and Kindness Lesson. Ruby Bridges Day Info. Stress Management Lesson (video)
November 13: PGTV
November 27: Collect notes for Student Senate Meeting #2, Work on Online High School Portfolio (here’s a sample website I will share with students on this day).
December 5: Student Senate Meeting, PGTV
October 23, 2023
Click on the Orange Cone to access the announcements
Remind Seniors that the ABSOLUTE LAST DAY to take their Senior Portrait is Saturday, October 28th.
Remind Seniors that this week Chico State is visiting on Monday from 10:50-12:25 and UCLA is visiting on Friday from 10:45-11:50. To sign up, check out your grade-level Google Classroom and click “College Visits” under the “Student Services” category.
Review notes from the Student Senate Meeting HERE
If there’s extra time have students work on their High School Portfolio (have them check their to-do list in Google Classroom under “High School Portfolio”)
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
October 30: Halloween Edition of PGTV
November 6: ASB Make a Wish Activity and Kindness Lesson. Ruby Bridges Day Info. Stress Management Lesson (video)
November 13: PGTV
November 27: Collect notes for Student Senate Meeting #2, Work on Online High School Portfolio
December 5: Student Senate Meeting, PGTV
October 16, 2023
All Grade Levels
Click on the Orange Cone to access a DMA-produced episode of PGTV.
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
October 23: Review Student Senate Notes. Work on building the online High School Portfolio.
October 30: Halloween Edition of PGTV
November 6: ASB Make a Wish Activity and Kindness Lesson
November 13: PGTV
Wednesday October 10, 2023
Happy Tuesday!
Here is the advocacy lesson for tomorrow's First Thing in the morning (unless you teach zero period). See testing locations and the day’s schedule at the end of this email.
Juniors and Seniors:
You can show students the review of the High School Portfolio video, but they may only need to see the first parts (3:20-7:33). I have directed students to review specific time stamps in their to-do list below. However, if you want to show the video to the whole class here is the link:
Direct students to the “High School Portfolio” section of their Google Classroom. They will find a To-Do list for the High School Portfolio. Have them begin working on that to-do list.
Here are a copy of the to-do lists if you want to see them
For PSAT-specific questions please email Laurie Weiss.
Advocacy Class
Testing Room
Students go to listed room
Hoyle, Christy
Hoyle, Christy
Pinkerton, John (Mullins)
Hoyle, Christy
McCrystal, Timothy
Snell, Christine
Borregaard, Angela(Belden)
Brauch, Matt
Bose, Stephanie
Sperisen, Matt
Burke, Terri
Taylor, Rachel
Taylor, Rachel
Taylor, Rachel
Cook, Elfreda
Watson, James
Watson, James
Dawson, Kristin
Garcia, Lisa
Harris, Adam
Price, Brittany
Looper, Jim
Reebel, Jacob
Newton, Zach
Reebel, Jacob
Marxson, Anna
Tabares, Robert
Myers, Ryan
Port 3
M. Hill per 1 & 2, Gill 3 -7 (port 3)
Ramos, Melanie (Romo)
C. Hill Per 1-3, Reed 4-7 (HM9)
C. Hill Per 1-3, Reed 4-7 (HM9)
Evans, Amanda
Evans, Amanda
Wehner, Jon
Kennedy, Kathleen
Langston, Gary
Langston, Gary
Steinheimer, Sarah
Pehrson, Stephen
Strickland, Rob (terry)
Port 6
Gilstrap, Brooke
Arrieta, Kim
Munoz, Edgar
Vedula, Lizzie (Chilcoat-Ghio)
Rickey/PE staff
Winder, Jill
Brooks, Lauren
Reed, Mike
Robison, Melisa
Safranski, Karen/Carpenter
October 9, 2023
Hey PG! Here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday. THERE WILL BE A LOCKDOWN DRILL at 10:25 on MONDAY
All Grade Levels
Click on the Orange Cone to access the Live announcements.
Play this video on School Safety. This video covers anonymous reporting and “if you see something say something.” There is also specific information to review for a lockdown drill.
There will be a shelter in place/lockdown drill at 10:25.
Here are specific instructions from Administration about the lockdown:
At 10:25 AM- The lockdown statement that will initiate the lockdown drill and any future Lockdowns:
"This is a Lockdown, This is a Lockdown - Shelter in Place"
All teachers and Staff are to:
Lock all doors
Close windows
Pull down shades
Turn off lights
Students are to:
Remain quiet
Shelter in place
Remain in locked class
Security and Admin will:
Will go from the building, checking all doors to ensure that they are locked/ windows closed/lights are off and classes are quiet.
Some classes may experience banging on doors during this drill
Document all doors that not locked/windows/blinds that are not closed, lights that are not off, and any classrooms that are not quiet
Please note: A lockdown can only be lifted by someone from safety and Security, who will instruct the PGHS site admin to lift the lockdown. A bell will ring, followed by an announcement:
The campus is all clear, and the Lockdown has been lifted.”
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
WEDNESDAY, October 11: High School Portfolio
October 16: PGTV
October 23: Review Student Senate Notes, Work on building the online High School Portfolio
October 30: Halloween Edition of PGTV
November 6: ASB Make a Wish Activity and Kindness Lesson
November 13: PGTV
October 2, 2023
STUDENT SENATE MEETING MONDAY: Please send your Student Senators to the Black Box Theater once they check-in.
Hey PG! Here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday. We have three different lessons for different grade levels.
Juniors and Seniors
Click on the Orange Cone to access the Live announcements.
Instruct students to go to their grade-level Google Classroom and open the “End of Quarter To-Do List.” You can find instructions by opening THIS GOOGLE SLIDE
If you want to see the “End of Quarter To-Do List” Click on THIS LINK
Google Classroom
Frosh n4wtimd
Soph jkmzrym
Juniors bxy6gby
Seniors p4xc4fy
September 25, 2023
BEFORE ADVOCACY: Please check your box for advocacy students’ overdue library notices. See the information at the bottom of this email from Dany’l.
Hey PG! Here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday.
All Grade-Levels:
Click on the Orange Cone to access the Live announcements.
Teach this PRESENTATION that includes the first digital citizenship lesson for the year on email etiquette, and reviews the Student Senate.
Have the class’s Student Senator fill out the Google Form LINK HERE and also on the Google Slides with any concerns, questions, etc., to present at the Student Senate Meeting next week in the Black Box Theater
Please advertise “Financial Aid Night” tomorrow 6:00-7:30 in the MP Room. This was also included in the broadcast, but it doesn’t hurt for students to hear it twice.
Ask your students to check their Synergy email and complete a survey on Sober Grad Night options. I sent this email to students on Friday, so a handful of seniors might have already completed this survey. It is attached if you want to broadcast a QR code for this. Students must be logged in to their @egusd account.
Monica French
A Look Ahead: sometimes we have to move things around, so this is always tentative
October 2: Student Senate Meeting. 10th-12: Goals, grades, and overdue library check (prepare for the end of the quarter). 9th: Time Capsules (Link Crew Visit)
October 9: PGTV
Monday September 18, 2023
ATTN: There will be an evacuation drill on Monday @10:20
Hey PG! Here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday.
All Grade-Levels:
Click on the Orange Cone to access the Live announcements.
Show this video on School Safety Procedures: Evacuation Drill, Earthquake Drill, Lock-Down Drill (3:30)
There will be an evacuation drill @ 10:20. Looking ahead: There will be an earthquake drill and a lockdown drill on October 19th. We tried to fit it all in during Advocacy, but there was just not enough time.
Monica French
A Look Ahead:
September 25: 9-12: Collect Student Senate notes. 9-11: Email etiquette. 9th only: Time Capsules.
October 2: Student Senate Meeting. 9th-12: Goals, grades, and overdue library check (prepare for the end of the quarter). 9th: Email etiquette.
October 9: PGTV
Monday, September 11, 2023
Hey PG! Here’s what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday.
All Grade-Levels:
Click on the Orange Cone to access the Live PGTV Broadcast. Announcements for the week will be read throughout their program. This is the first PGTV of the 2023-2024 school year. Good luck to this year’s DMA students 😊
Juniors and Seniors:
If you have Juniors and Seniors, please see this announcement from Jay Cochon:
Dear Jr & Sr Advocacy Teachers Only,
Please disregard if you are not a Jr or Sr Advocacy Teacher. On Mondays 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, and 10/2, Blood Drive students will visit to distribute/collect blood drive applications. If students have questions, they can visit the Blood Drive table in the quad during lunch on Tuesday and Thursdays or see Cochon in Portable 8. For the 22-23 school year, PGHS was the highest collector of pints of blood with 111, Franklin 65, Cosumnes Oaks 52, Monterey Trails 30, Elk Grove 28. Thank you for the years of support! Thanks, Jay
Monica French
A Look Ahead:
September 18: Safe School (evacuation drill, earthquake drill, etc. overview), collect Student Senate notes
September 25: Student Senate AND: Freshmen time capsules, Soph-Seniors are reviewing email etiquette (first digital citizenship lesson of the year)
Monday: August 28, 2023
Hey PG! Here’s is what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday.
ALL GRADE-LEVELS will need their Chromebooks during Advocacy and to go to their grade-level’s Google Classroom.
Play the announcements by clicking on the orange cone on your desktop.
SENIORS ONLY: ASB Business (BBQ and Royalty Vote)
Hope Squad information and Nominations
Name Game (If you have a different game you want to play, please do so)
Google Classroom
Monday: August 21, 2023
Hey PG! Here’s is what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday.
SENIORS: In addition to the agenda below, ASB will come in and have students vote on Homecoming Royalty.
Play the announcements by clicking on the orange cone on your desktop.
Review Spirit Days (Graphic)
Fall Activities Video
If students didn’t join Google Classroom last week, have them join this week
Team Building
Google Classroom
Monday: August 14, 2023
Hey PG! Here’s is what’s planned for Advocacy on Monday.
Play the announcements by clicking on the orange cone on your desktop.
Teacher Q & A
i. I added this because students might have some basic questions that you can help them with about things on campus (especially Freshmen). If you don’t feel comfortable doing this, you can skip it. If you get asked a question that you don’t know the answer to then reply to this email and I will send a FAQ sheet out with next week’s advocacy email
Staff Must Meet Video
Students sign up for Grade-Level Google Classroom
The codes are on the slides and also on this email (see right)
With each student in a Grade-Level Google Classroom it is easier for students to access information
If you did not get to the videos from last week, play them
With extra time have students explore the resources in their grade-level Google Classroom
Google Classroom
Thursday: August 10, 2023
***Before school please check your box for your advocacy students’ schedules. Schedules will not be in teacher’s boxes by 4pm on Wednesday.***
Pass out schedules. If a student doesn’t have a schedule, or a student is absent, send the student, and the left over schedules to the cafeteria.
Review schedule for Thursday and Friday (rally on Friday)
Welcome back video message from Mrs. Keplinger (2 minutes)
PGHS Policies Video (7 ½ minutes)
Information in the PGHS Policies Video
Students will review their schedules. If there are problems students will see a counselor at lunch
Senior parking lot
Bathroom passes and bathroom etiquette
Dress code
Cell phone policy
Advocacy on Monday, August 14 (I’ll send a more detailed email on this on Friday):
Broadcast with school announcements
Must Meet: PGHS Staff video
Ms. Francis PGHS VP
Mr. Newton PGHS Activities Director
Mr. Gradin PGHS Athletic Director
Get to know your advocacy class activities