Monday May 24, 2021

This is the last advocacy and the last chance to catch PGTV!!

It’s unlisted, so it won’t be on the channel’s main page.  Teachers will need this link to view the ~17 minute show.

Monday May 17, 2021

9-11th grade teachers put this link in the chat last week, and this week PGHS is asking you to review the Google Slides with your students.  The slides focus on Summer Learning opportunities.


Summer Learning

Monday May 10, 2021

On Monday you will administering the SEL survey from the district.  Parents have already been notified about this and have been given the chance to opt-out.


As per the district:

To obtain a more complete picture of our students’ social emotional competencies throughout the school year and support students as they transition back to on-campus activities, the district will electronically administer the SEL portion of the SEL/CC survey for a final time this school year to all 3rd through 11th grade students. The survey does not include Culture/Climate items, and staff will not be asked to complete any surveys as part of this effort.


See attached for Spring survey materials and instructions, please review this so that you are aware how to administer the survey prior to the start of advocacy.


Dear teachers,


The district will administer the SEL survey one last time for the school year. See attached for the teacher memo from the district, which includes the directions for administration. Links to the surveys can be found in the directions or accessed below:


1. English:

2. Hmong:

3. Spanish:

4. Vietnamese:


Copies of the instruments (.pdfs) are available for reference at

Monday May 3, 2021

This is the last (lesson #4 of 4) of the district-required digital citizenship lessons.  This lesson focuses on a current event: A high school student who was disciplined for what she said over snapchat and is taking her case to the US Supreme Court.  There is a short video (about 5 minutes, PBS) and discussion questions.  Hopefully, the students find this engaging as it directly pertains to their freedom of speech.  Here is a link:

Monday April 12, 2021

PGHS is bringing back Spirit Days. 

College Wear Wednesdays

Flock Friday

This is the 3rd in a series of lessons developed based on Teaching Tolerance: Speak Up at School, How to Respond to Everyday Prejudice, Bias and Stereotypes.  This lesson is based on an interview that Link Crew Students conducted with Tracie Stafford on how to speak up against hate speech and be an upstander.

There is a Google Slides presentation with an 13 minute video and discussion questions in this link HERE.

Monday April 5, 2021

This is the 2nd in a series of lessons developed based on Teaching Tolerance: Speak Up at School, How to Respond to Everyday Prejudice, Bias and Stereotypes.  This lesson is based on an interview that Link Crew Students conducted with Tracie Stafford on how to speak up against hate speech and be an upstander.


There is a Google Slides presentation with an 11 minute video and discussion questions in this link HERE

Monday March 29, 2021

There is a PBIS-focused lesson on returning back to school.  This involves a video and a Kahoot!  Thank you, Tamika, for putting this together.

Here are the links:

ADVOCACY: Going Back on Campus Part 1

Monday March 22, 2021

ALL Grade Levels:

Please share THIS presentation with the students in the chat so that they can reference it if they need to, but also go over it.  The focus is on the transition to concurrent learning and  welcome back to campus.

There is a short video (10 minutes) with some follow up discussion questions.

Link to the Advocacy website

Monica French

Monday March 8, 2021

This is a district lesson on the PSAT

ADVOCACY: Is there an Upside to Distance Learning?

Monday March 1, 2021

Teachers, please share this link in the chat with your students.

Advocacy Lesson:

TOPIC: "Is there an upside to Distance Learning?"

This lesson is modified from PBS and asks if there is an upside to distance learning.  Open the Google Slides found HERE.  The Google Slides has a video that is about 7 minutes and reviews what students can gain from distance learning.  It is funny and engaging.  There are discussion questions that follow. 

Speak Up at School: Lesson #1

Monday February 22, 2021

This is the first in a series of lessons developed based on Teaching Tolerance: Speak Up at School, How to Respond to Everyday Prejudice, Bias and Stereotypes.  Over the past several months parents have approached administration about a growing need to address this topic.  This lesson is important because it discusses an event in the Pleasant Grove community.

There is a Google Slides presentation with a 6-minute video and discussion questions in this link HERE.  

TUESDAY February 16, 2021

Students have the whole time to work on their Reflection Window.  Please assist them with any questions.


You might want to put THIS LINK in the chat, it is the Google Form needed for students to submit their reflection window.


Here is the information from last semester on the High School Portfolio, if you/students want to review what is required: HERE

GOOD NEWS:  The reflection window due’s date has been postponed to February 26th.

Tuesday February 9, 2021

In celebration of the Lunar New Year, Phillip Phi Hai Tran, a student in the PGHS Lion Dance Club has created an informative lesson on the holiday.  The Google Slides is found HERE. The PG Lion Dance Club would also like to welcome all PG students and families to watch the PG Lion Dance Club perform on February 12 at 2PM at Panda Express on Waterman Plaza.  The flyer associated with this event is attached to the email, feel free to share with your students.

PG Lunar New Year 2021 Advocacy slides

In celebration of the Lunar New Year, Phillip Phi Hai Tran, a student in the PGHS Lion Dance Club has created an informative lesson on the holiday.  The Google Slides is found HERE. The PG Lion Dance Club would also like to welcome all PG students and families to watch the PG Lion Dance Club perform on February 12 at 2PM at Panda Express on Waterman Plaza.  The flyer associated with this event is attached to the email, feel free to share with your students.

Class of 2023: Sophomore Course Selection Handout

February 1, 2021

Sophomores are going to finish their course selection today.

Your job for Monday:

 Next week's advocacy lesson for Sophomores will be showing a longer step-by-step video on how to register for classes via Synergy.

February 2

February 4


Counselors will do interactive Zoom help sessions with students

Class of 2023: Sophomore Course Selection Handout

January 25, 2021

Sophomores are going to be completing course selection the next 2 advocacies.  

Your job for Monday:

 Next week's advocacy lesson for Sophomores will be showing a longer step-by-step video on how to register for classes via Synergy.

January 25:


Course selection Information session for To-Be Junior Parent/Students 5:00-6:00

January 26

January 28

February 2

February 4


Counselors will do interactive Zoom help sessions with students

January 11, 2021

For this advocacy I have created a goal setting and class information sheet for students.

Here is the link.  The link will have you make a copy for your own drive so that you can post it in your Google Classroom and click "make a copy for each student" when you assign it.

This activity is meant to help organize students, have them set some goals and record some tips that they might need for quarter #3.  In the last part I have written some tips that might be helpful for students. Either individually, or as a class, record additional tips that students might find helpful for this quarter. 

PBIS Kick Off: Tuesday January 5, 2021

Here are the direct links to use for today, during advocacy. 

Review DL Behavior Expectations

Watch a brief video on PBIS/Behavior Expectations (this is STUDENT-created!)

Play THIS Kahoot 

You may want to quickly go over the textbook checkout schedule too! 3:00-6:00pm this week!




Tues. Jan. 5


Economics, American Gov't, Math, English 12 Novel

Wed. Jan. 6


Math, English 11 Novel

Thurs. Jan. 7


Math, English 10 Novel

Fri. Jan. 8


Math, English 9 Novel, World Geography

Monday December 14, 2020


Monday December 7, 2020

Write the Reflection Window

Monday November 30, 2020

Please review these Google Slides HERE.  This will review the High School Portfolio.  I know that many 10th and 11th graders are familiar with the portfolio but reviewing this "user guide" with them might make everything easier for them and catch any students who slipped through the cracks and need help with reflection windows.  You might want to also show them the video on slide 6 which teaches them how to organize everything digitally.

The first reflection window is due December 18th.  If there is extra time in advocacy you can walk them through how to get started on that.

Monday November 16, 2020

EGUSD Bullying Prevention video

Advocacy Lesson: Monday November 9, 2020

Hey 9th, 10th and 12th grade teachers.  I read all of the responses to the advocacy survey.  Thank you so much for taking the time to fill that out, it really helps us develop lessons.  

Many teachers said they didn't have enough time to bond with their students.  This week you have a few choices in order to bond more with your class.

Learning targets

Advocacy Lesson: Monday November 2, 2020


Advocacy Lesson: Monday October 6, 2020

Lesson Topic: Teambuilding

This Monday is focused on teambuilding through a good ole fashioned game of Kahoot!  This game was created by Link Crew Leadership students and is 31 questions on a variety of topics. The goal is for advocacy teachers and students to have fun.


Learning targets


October 19, 2020

The week of October 19-23 is anti-bullying week.  Please show the video and discuss cyberbullying with your students

Monday October 12, 2020

Lesson Topic: Academic Integrity

Learning targets

Happy Friday PGHS!

The lesson for Monday counts as a one of the four digital citizenship lessons that PG teachers are required to give.


This lesson was developed because of teachers contacting me and administration about the need to address academic integrity during distance learning as well as results from the survey that was sent to teachers two weeks ago.

Lauren Brooks and I had an in-depth conversation with Link Crew students about academic integrity.  Believe it or not, students are constantly thinking about academic integrity in their classes.  They feel like they need to cheat because of the enormous pressure they put on themselves, the ease of cheating during distance learning and the types of assessments they are given.  This is not acceptable. However, there was something insightful we learned.  Students weren't really concerned with "getting caught" especially since many shared that their parents "help" them and they feel like they can get away with it in the short term.  Yet, they were concerned about the stress, anxiety, and guilt of cheating, as well as the fear that they won't learn anything or keep up with classes when they return. 

This lesson was designed student up.  Meaning, the students created most of the videos, they are sharing their honest thoughts and addressing the topic of academic integrity in a way that they think will resonate most with other students.  In today's society students are seeing ethical lapses everywhere so it is easy for them to dismiss their own.  However, students shared that when the lesson was focused on learning and retaining knowledge they were less-likely to cheat.  The idea is that if we have an open conversation about cheating and student expectations there will be a decrease (hopefully) in cheating.

Here is a message from Taigan to share with students about what to do if a student is found in violation of the academic integrity policies:

We would first ask the student why he/she felt the need to cheat or plagiarize, remind them that they are receiving a 0 on the assignment, work with their teacher on an intervention depending on the number of times they have been referred for academic integrity (during distance learning could range from online detention, a restorative assignment and suspension- in most egregious cases), and notify their parents. We also spend time discussing long-term affects of cheating (not learning the material, real life consequences and what will happen in college if they are caught cheating).

On a side note, please fill out this district survey on Advocacy.  Your honest feedback is very valuable.

Now for Monday's Advocacy Lesson:

HERE is the link. It is also posted under each section on the advocacy website HERE.

Empathy 9

Monday October 5, 2020

I have developed (with the help of YouTube channel Soul Pancake) a series of lessons on empathy, happiness and making connections.  The goal of these lessons is to:

HERE is the link.

Goals worksheets for Advocacy

September 28, 2020

Goals worksheet

Advocacy News to Share with Students 9/21/20

Monday September 21, 2020

Please review the following information with your students about the High School Portfolio

We are streamlining the Portfolio requirement for seniors.  They are essentially gathering up everything they have submitted so far and uploading the items into a shared Google Folder.   Dave created a short video on how to create and share the folder on the portfolio page with senior information.   This year seniors will complete 2 reflection windows, a letter to the judges and the reflective research essay (which will be done in Senior English).   If it’s possible to do the CCGI lessons and Resume writing in Senior Advocacy this year, then we can include those items as well. 

The most critical information students need are the deadlines & requirements for the portfolio this year and where to find details and instructions on the website.   Seniors first reflection window is due Sept. 29th.  The final portfolio should have 2 strengths, 2 growths and 2 future plans.  Therefore seniors should create a reflection window for one of the areas that they don’t have so that they have 2 of each.  


Here's a to do list for students  ----  there are no set due dates to get these things done but it’s best to do it before the next reflection windown is due so they can upload all future assignments into the folder. 

Due dates are for upcoming reflection windows & summative letter are on the website.

Advocacy Lesson Monday September 14, 2020

Adocacy Lesson: Monday August 31, 2020

Monday's advocacy lesson will involve the whole class customizing a Google Classroom header.  The goal of this assignment is to get students to work as a team, increase social interaction, and help students feel like their advocacy Google Classroom is their space.  This is also an activity that you can do with all your classes to build community in your classroom.

This involves:

Prep for advocacy on Monday (estimated prep time 1-5 minutes)

Advocacy Lesson: Monday August 24, 2020

Here is the advocacy lesson for Monday.  The lesson is focused on how students can use Zoom for social purposes.  The video (Link HERE) teaches students how to:

This idea was brainstormed by the PGHS Link Crew leadership students on ways for students to be social during social distancing.  

After you show this video you can play Pictionary with your students.  Remember to allow for multiple people to share their screen (a setting right next to the green screen share button).  You can use also do this activity in your academic classes by sending a private message to a student with a key or vocabulary term to draw and have the rest of the class guess the key term.  Great review after a lesson.

Adovacy Lesson: Monday August 17, 2020

This 12 minute review basic zoom rules which include: