Technical Support

Whether teaching face to face, or virtual there are key technology items that all 1:1 classrooms should have.

Cords and Cables secured to prevent accidental damage

Projection Screen - screen, interactive boards, or interactive panels


New devices are assigned to students and teachers in the Asset Management System. A Device Usage Agreement is sent to the user's PGCPS email account, sharing responsibilities for appropriate use and damage fees.

Teacher Devices

Apple or Windows devices assigned. Upon notification, staff may be directed to the Technology Distribution Centers (TDC) for device pick-up or repair. 

Student Devices

At schools, Pre-K and K students are mostly assigned Apple iPads but some may also have touch-screen Chromebooks; 1st to 12th grade students are assigned Chromebooks. The goal is to transition over time to chromebooks for all students across PGCPS.

BYOD for Staff

Staff are permitted to bring personal iPads and/or Chromebooks.

All personal MAC or WINDOWS devices are prohibited.

PGPCS is not responsible for support, repair and/or replacement of personal devices.

Connect to PGCPS Network

"PRIVATE" is the WifI network to connect to when in a PGCPS location.

Errors Using Google Chrome

The CKRoot (Content Keeper) Certificate must be installed on devices in order to access content from Google. If an error is received instead of connecting to a website, install CKRoot.

Installing CKRoot Certificate


PGCPS usernames and passwords must be kept secure since they provide access to numerous internal systems. Self-service and school-based users exist for password support  (1-5 people) .

Staff Accounts (typically)

Prompted to reset passwords every 90 days.

Student Accounts (typically). 

Cannot accept email from non accounts. 

Passwords reset every 365 days.

Students should not create their own accounts to access digital resources.

Interactive board/panel support

Many PGCPS classrooms have ViewSonic, Boxlight or SMART interactive whiteboards or interactive panels to utilize for instruction. 


Support exists internally and externally to utilize technology effectively. Reach out to your internal team first before contacting district support.

School-Based Support

Technology Team consists of principal-designated positions (ETL, PDLT, Elementary Technology Coordinator) and school-based staff interested in utilizing/supporting technology. 

Support for Technology Teams is available at

District Support

Technology Training Team (T3) consists of trainers, IT Technicians and the Help Desk who provide guidance to school-based teams and direct support to school-based and central office staff. 

Help Desk

Supports staff. Staff may enter Help Desk tickets on behalf of students.

Support for families is available at