Getting to know your device


G Suite Tools productivity tools using Google Chrome

Troubleshooting Chromebooks - Here 2 Help Video Series

os and IOS Support

Accessibility Tools 

Learn more about features of Apple products to support students with different learning needs.

iWorks Software - specialized tools for your Macbook/iPad

iMovie Guide:  Make movies and movie trailers

Garage Band Guide: Create music and sounds

iTunes U User Guide:  Develop content for the iTunes store.

iTunes U Support

iBooks Support: Create electronic books for Mac iOS and OS. 


What is Office 365?

Office 365 is subscription service offered by Microsoft as part of the Microsoft Office product line.

Install up to 5 copies of Office 365 for home use.

Office 365  - tools for your Windows computer

OneNote:  A digital notebook that automatically saves and syncs your notes as you work.

Sway:  Create and share interactive reports, presentations, newsletters, school and work projects, and more. 

Teams:  Pull together a team to work collaboratively, edit files simultaneously, and use chat instead of email.