Landscape Systems, Processes and Change – Coastal landscape and change

At A Level, you will have the opportunity to explore the following questions:

Why are coastal landscapes different and what processes cause these differences?

How do characteristic coastal landforms contribute to coastal landscapes?

How do coastal erosion and sea level change alter the physical characteristics of coastlines and increase risks?

How can coastlines be managed to meet the needs of all players?

This topic also develops your knowledge from GCSE. Use the information below, your own knowledge AND additional research to complete the tasks below.

Coastal landscapes

The Jurassic Coastline in Dorset is one of the most famous stretches of coastline in terms of land forms and features.

Your task is to research this stretch of coastline to create a case study. You will need to include photos and annotated maps to identify the different features along this stretch of coastline and start to explain how and why the different land forms are created.

Once you have completed the research attempt to answer the following question:

Explain the relationship between geology and coastal form along the Dorset Coastline