The body of Christ awakened to pursue the fulfillment of God’s global purpose within every people for His glory.

Upcoming Classes


What is Perspectives?

Experience 15 powerful lessons that have equipped thousands of every day believers with greater vision, hope, and passion. In Perspectives, scripture, history, culture, and strategy converge to reveal the unfolding of God’s redemptive purposes. He is on a mission to bless the peoples of the earth, and you’re invited to join him.

Perspectives is for believers from all walks of life: professionals, business leaders, high school & college students, military personnel, pastors, missionaries and mission leadership, retirees and many others.

What will I learn?

You will be challenged to see the world through God's eyes in 4 different perspectives:

Biblical: The Word of God is revealed with striking clarity as Perspectives illuminates God’s unchanging promises unfolding from Genesis to Revelation.

Historical: Discover your spiritual lineage as you learn Christian history is filled with the immeasurable power of God making His name known among the nations.

Cultural: The peoples of the world come alive as we eventually see, through Christ Jesus, the expressions of the New Testament church thriving among every nation, tribe, people and language.

Strategic: Discover God’s continuing plan for the church today and find your place in his story.

Who is Perspectives USA

Perspectives USA is a ministry of Frontier Ventures and is responsible for the Perspectives movement in the United States. Perspectives USA is comprised of thousands of passionate volunteers. These workers are served and led by 14 regional directors, a national headquarters staff and by a team of executive leaders. Click the following links to learn more about our organization and our movement:

Perspectives USA

2015-2020: 45 Classes
2021-2023​: 20 Classes
(5 in Spanish)

13 Areas​     1487 Students​

Florida, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands

Regional & Area Teams

Interested in serving Perspectives locally?

Regional Team: Regional Team members are mature believers with a passion for the unreached and mobilizing others to join God’s global plan. They are vision driven and implementers who desire that our region be cultivated and developed, expressing another value of “people over projects”.  Powerfully impacted by Perspectives as a student and coordinator, they desire to use their energy, skills and talents to engage the church through the Perspectives movement.

Area Teams: Our region is divided into areas that are overseen by local area teams.  The Area Team is composed of one or more individuals who serve the Perspectives program in a particular area, such as a Loop Coordinator, Area Mobilizer, Prayer Coordinator, or Technical Coordinator. They are trained and experienced coordinating team members and may or may not be active coordinating team members. These roles may expire with Closeout at the end of a class, or may continue indefinitely if there is an ongoing program in the area. 

If you are interested- please contact me. or 321-302-0084