Converge is a movement of 1500+ churches working to help people, know and follow Jesus. Working with our mission-committed churches, Converge seeks to expand its cross-cultural impact by asking God for a gospel movement among the least-reached people groups in our generation.

Please join us in prayer for people who have never heard the name of Jesus to have the chance to hear and accept the good news. Sign-up to participate in a global prayer network today.

International Ministries U.S. Engagement

< Church consortia > < Coaching & training > < Meet the team >

< Learn about the global workers > you and your church can partner with to fulfill the Great Commission.

31nations Converge missionaries serve

176 Converge missionaries serving around the world

58 Converge missionary appointees preparing to be deployed

How we help: Serving churches. Reaching nations.

We are partnering with churches like yours to reach the least-reached tribes, tongues and nations from east to west. Together, we are asking God for a gospel movement among every least-reached people group — in our generation.

Every day, we work to connect churches in the United States to God’s work among the nations. These churches power Converge missionaries by prayer and fuel them with funding. Many are sending their own people onto the mission field to take the gospel’s light into the world’s darkest places.

The Converge U.S. Engagement team exists to serve your church and help it connect to the world’s least-reached peoples and to other like-minded churches. We are here to serve you as we serve God and his people together. We provide all of our services at no cost to your church.

Church missions coaching- Are you looking for new and more effective ways to increase your church's mission's impact? We can help your church discover and fulfill its God-designed global role through our simple, but profound coaching and training processes. Learn more

Connecting churches- Helping unite your church with other churches and missionaries to share in the work of the Great Commission. Learn more

Become a missionary- You could be the person a church will one day connect with to reach an unreached people group with the gospel. Connect with us to learn more about becoming a missionary. Learn how

Mission trips and serving opportunities- Learn about opportunities you and your church can serve in various locations across the world. View opportunities

What is Converge?
A brief history of this family of churches.

The Story of Converge
Highlights from more than 165 years of starting and strengthening churches together worldwide.