Pioneers of Building Science

The AABSS 2023 hosted a very special reunion of groundbreaking building scientists Joseph Lstiburek, Gary Nelson, Neil Moyer and John Tooley.  They shared their experiences, discoveries and adventures together as they solved building science issues across the USA and developed methods and standards we still use today.

Prototype Models & Tools

Building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford gets his fix for prototypes of the testing tools we all know and love in the collection of American Treasure Neil Moyer: the first duct tightness tester (or Duct Blaster) built by Gary Nelson, a handmade flow pan (or Exhaust Fan Flow Hood), and a DIY House of Pressure!

Florida Weatherization Diagnostic Video

This is a series of videos created for the Florida Weatherization Program when I worked at the Florida Solar Energy Center.  These were intended as a refresher of the various dianostic procedures and use of the equipment especially when dealing with combustion appliances in a hot humid climate.

Companies of the 4 Pioneers of Building Science is a free online resource owned and operated by Building Science Corporation. BSC takes a leadership role in promoting the design and construction of buildings that are healthier, less energy-consuming, and more durable and economical.

THE ENERGY CONSERVATORY (TEC) manufactures MINNEAPOLIS brand precision diagnostic equipment and develop processes used to solve comfort, energy use, durability and air quality problems in buildings. Our knowledge of building physics, reputation for innovative design, and excellent technical support have made us the leading manufacturer of performance testing tools for the building science industry.

FSEC® has more than 45 years of experience in renewable energy systems and building science. The Center’s 70-member staff includes professionals with expertise in engineering, energy research, building science, energy and policy analysis, as well as education and training.

Advanced Energy’s residential team works to make sure that new and existing homes are healthy, safe, comfortable, durable, energy efficient and environmentally responsible. Through all of our services, we promote energy efficiency in ways that benefit your organization and meet your goals.