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Missionary Discovery & Assessment
We are asking God for a gospel movement among every least-reached people group—in our generation. Missionaries are an important part of how God accomplishes this mission. Our strategically placed missionaries in 34 countries are leading the lost to Christ, starting church-planting movements, and developing national leaders.

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COMPREHEND God's global purpose
ENGAGE the world Christian movement

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FL+ Classes: 

Coordinator Workshop:

Perspectives in Practice:

Starting  950+ Churches planted

Strengthening  1594 Churches strong

Sending  176+ missionaries in 25 nations

Perspectives on the
World Christian Movement

Perspectives USA

To be fully known and fully loved—it is the longing of each human heart—and God’s heart too. Beginning with His systematic creation of the universe to the first human couple, to the nation of Israel, to the progressive prophetic fulfillment of Jesus, and to His church’s formation—unmistakably, God enjoys process. In an unfolding drama of redemption, He makes himself known to the people He is gathering for Himself—to enjoy Him fully. God delights in the process of revealing His purpose to those who long for Him.

Christians agree with the refrain that God is “worthy” of all glory. He is indeed worthy, but it is often stated in a manner, that somehow by our actions, we can increase his glory.

Church Partnerships

International Ministries

US Engagement Team

Kevin McGhee, Director of U.S. Engagement, Ivan Veldhuizen, Director of International Ministries, and Gary Hunter, Director of Global Ministries talk about church partnerships with missions.  No matter the size of your church, our U.S. Engagement Team can help you engage in missions and global ministry in vital and effective ways. Watch this video to find out how.

2022 Reach Conference Videos

 Converge IM Brochure

Ministry Highlight

Third Millennium Ministries

Thirdmill Ministries

Most pastors in the world have no theological education and no way to obtain one. Thirdmill is working to meet this global need by creating and distributing a high-quality, multimedia seminary curriculum in the major languages of the world. Our goal is to make seminary-level education available to Evangelical Christians in their own lands, in their own languages, for free.

About us...

July 2015 - we "repurposed", instead of retiring. The problem is that the Scriptures never speak of retiring, but of finding us faithfully doing His work when He returns (Luke 18:8). We want to finish the race well.

The Lord has led us and positioned us with two great organizations to help fulfill the task of reaching the least reached peoples with the Good News of Jesus Christ, Converge and Perspectives USA.  

Perspectives brings in a grass roots approach of awakening the body of Christ to pursue the fulfillment of God’s global purpose within every people for His glory by education in a strategic engagement.  We will work with local churches and agencies to promote learning God’s heart for redeeming His people, the passion He has for His name to be glorified and the destruction of evil.

Converge International Ministries currently sends out global workers to many of these peoples.  The limiting factor is the local advocate in supporting the effort.  While working with Converge, we will help focus the mission strategy of the local church to include an increased global impact through prayer, finances and missionary encouragement.

Then there is Crosswalk Community Church in Titusville, FL.  This has been our home church for nearly 20 years where I serve as a pastor/elder and Missions Director.