About Us...

We started our journey as a couple in 1973. We have lived in California, New York, and currently in Florida on the Space Coast.

Blessed with a son and a daughter, 7 grandkids, and 1 great-grandson, God has given truly filled our hearts with joy as we love on each one of them.

But now we have repurposed from a career building diagnostics and choose to finish well following our Lord in service for Him. We still have our health and time to devote to our Lord and King. Finish well - that is our prayer as we serve with Perspectives and Converge International Missions

How we plan on 'Finishing Well'

We have adopted 7 characteristics in our finishing well process. These are not new and not original to us.

  1. Intimacy With Christ - our highest calling is to grow in our knowledge of Christ and to make Him known to others.

  2. Fidelity In The Spiritual Disciplines - prayer, fellowship, study, worship, and submission are not ends in themselves, but means to the end of intimacy with Christ and spiritual formation.

  3. A Biblical Perspective on the Circumstances of Life - When we view our circumstances in light of God’s character instead of God’s character in light of our circumstances, we come to see that God is never indifferent to us, and that He uses suffering for our good so we will be more fully united to Christ.

  4. A Teachable, Responsive, Humble, and Obedient Spirit - humility and responsive obedience are the keys to maintaining a teachable spirit.

  5. Clear Sense of Personal Purpose and Calling - God has called each of us to a purposeful journey sustained by faithfulness and growing hope. We move beyond the level of tasks and accomplishments to the level of the purpose for which we were created.

  6. Healthy Relationships With Resourceful People - these relationships help us to increase in intimacy with Christ, maintain the needed disciplines, clarify our long-term perspective, sustain a teachable attitude, and develop our purpose and calling.

  7. Ongoing Ministry Investment In The Lives of Others - discover and develop the spiritual gifts we have received and exercise them through the Spirit’s power for the edification of others.

What does it take to finish well? How can we run in such a way that we can say with Paul, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7; Acts 20:24; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27)? By taking to heart the above seven characteristics has and is helping us to finish well day by day, as we “run with endurance the race that is set before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus” (Hebrews 12:1-2). Or as I like saying, "eyes on Christ".

A full writeup of these can be found here: 7 Characteristics