Stage Crew Club

What is Stage Crew Club?

We are NOT affiliated with the PTDG.  The stage crew club is a group of students who come together to learn more about how things happen on stage and what happens to make the stage come alive.  We volunteer for things that are done on the stage (i.e. NHS induction, choral/band concerts, presentations, etc).  You can get community service hours for working events.

Who Should/Can Join?

Anyone who is interested in being a member in good standing is eligible to join.  We would love to have more people this year, and going forward.  Anyone who is interested in working backstage (NOT for the Drama Guild!), is someone we'd love to have join!

How to Join?

Email President Amanda Bobish or Mr. Fox for more information on how to sign up.

Club Information

Club Advisor: Mr. Fox


Amanda Bobish (President)

Allison Huffman (VP, Lights Manager)

Zachary Conte (Secretary)

Email club advisor for Remind and Google Classroom code 

Dues: $0

Meeting Times: 

Roughly every other Thurs. See google classroom or a member for club meeting dates.

We'd love to have people join the club!  It's a very relaxed environment with a great group of students that will definitely make new members feel welcome.  We will teach you everything you need to know and help you every step of the way.  It can seem intimidating to work events, but we are all there to help each other and learn together!