Spanish Club

What is Spanish Club?

The Spanish Club is a great way for Spanish students to immerse themselves in Hispanic culture.  We offer several field trips each year.  We see a Ballet Folklórico in the Fall and have lunch at a Mexican restaurant and then in the Spring we take a boat ride on the Gateway Clipper and enjoy traditional foods from Spanish-speaking countries. 

Who Should/Can Join?

Any student currently enrolled in a Spanish class can join.

How to Join?

We offer sign-ups at the beginning of the school year 

Club Information

Club Advisor: Señora Alba and Señora Stoup


Kaj Colby (President)

Carlee Valenta (Vice President)

Maddie Alexander (Secretary)

Emma Edwards (Treasurer)

Email Señora Alba or Stoup for  the Remind and/or Google Classroom code 

Dues: $7

Meeting Times: 

Club days and when necessary after school