Chess Club

What is Chess CLub?

Chess is one of the world's most popular games and Penn Trafford has a robust chess club made up of ALL levels of chess players.  In a relaxed environment we play chess, learn techniques and complete puzzles.  We often have lessons that focus on certain areas of chess play and are informative for all players.  3 to 4 times a year PT Chess Club hosts invitational tournaments so our members have opportunities to play competitively as well.  It does not matter if you do not know how to play and want to learn OR if you play very well, our club has something for all players! 

Who Should/Can Join?

EVERYONE of all chess levels - from no experience to a lot of experience

How to Join?

A student could email Sra Burtch or Mr Zimmer OR just simply show up on Thursdays at 2:30 in the LGI

Club Information

Club Advisor: Señora Burtch and Mr. Zimmer


Nicholas Truschel (President)

David Tharp (Co-Vice President)

Nathan Lazeration (Co-Vice President)

Email club advisor for Remind and Google Classroom code 

Dues: $0

Meeting Times: 

Thursdays 2:30 - 3:30 pm in the LGI (Snacks Provided)