Gradient Mesh Activity

Gradient Mesh: Realistic Fruit


For this activity, you will be assigned one of the pieces of fruit found below to redraw using Illustrator and creating Gradient Meshes. Your goal is to create a piece of fruit that looks so realistic, someone would think it is a photograph. You will use the image you are assigned to help you with the shapes and colors you will need. Being able to master using gradient meshes enhances your ability to create detailed illustrations. Before you begin on the computer, get the print off of your assigned fruit and draw your gradient mesh on the fruit. Pay attention to the way the colors change and curve. How many rows and columns will you need?

Then download the worksheet to the rights in order to have an artboard to work with. Then drag your source image onto your artboard. You will need to create the shapes first and then put the meshes on. DO NOT just leave the mesh layout as the default, you should be using the direct select tool to move the anchor points. Need less rows? Need more columns? Make sure you are using the Gradient Mesh tool on your Tool bar.

​Save your completed worksheet as a AI (Illustrator file) and then export as a PNG file.  Label it as last name + first name + period + fruit and save in your graphics folder.  Submit both the AI file and the PNG files in Google Classroom.