What is GEOS?

"GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the JTS Topology Suite (JTS). It includes the OpenGIS Simple Features for SQL spatial predicate functions and spatial operators, as well as specific JTS enhanced topology functions. ... GEOS is the most widely used geospatial C++ geometry library, being used by open source projects such as PostGIS, QGIS, GDAL/OGR and MapServer" (GEOS website).

How is GEOS loaded?

The below can be used to view all of the installations of GEOS on a particular system, where this example uses Coeus.

$ module avail |& grep -i "geos"


How is GEOS invoked?

To invoke GEOS' configuration setter, use the below. For more on using GEOS, refer to here.

$ module load Spatial/geos/3.7.1/gcc-7.2.0

$ geos-config