How do I work remotely using the campus VPN?

Campus VPN 

Connect to the campus VPN


Note: If you are a Mac user and you receive and "unsigned publisher" error when attempting to install, do the following:

Open the VPN client

Method 1: Mobile device with Duo app installed

Note:  Some systems require a full tunnel for access.  You can type in the address box for a “Full Tunnel” VPN connection (refer to section below for more details).

Method 2: Landline or mobile phone without the Duo app installed

Note:  Some systems require a full tunnel for access.  You can type in the address box for a “Full Tunnel” connection.

Logging In with SSH (after VPN Connection established)

After you have established a VPN connection (either split or full tunnel), you can open the terminal and connect as you would on-campus using SSH to access an RC System. 

$ ssh

Last login: Fri Mar 13 14:41:29 2020 from

[username@login1 ~]$ 

Learn more about connecting to RC Systems using SSH (on-campus or remote options available).

Please be sure to setup Passwordless SSH for both security and faster login.

Full Tunnel VPN ( )

By default, all VPN connections to "" are split tunnel, meaning only traffic destined for the PSU Network will be routed through the VPN.  

Certain resources require a full tunnel connection (, which routes all traffic through the VPN.  This is designed to be more secure and the preferred method when working with sensitive data.  In general, only use a full tunnel if needed, as it ties up more network resources for all users.  Its use is also recommended when connecting from public networks, such as coffee shops or airports.