Mathematics Learning, Teaching, & Leading Programs

Mathematics Teacher Leader (MTL) Portfolio


Your MTL Portfolio is a purposeful collection of your work as a mathematics learner, teacher, and leader.  It represents elements of your coursework; your classroom-, building-, and district-based activities and experiences; and the outreach and advocacy activities in which you have engaged. The purpose of your portfolio is to document and reflect on your learning. 

The work that you have completed in your course Google Folders constitutes a working e-portfolio. Across these materials you have artifacts and evidence that demonstrates your progress relative to the Standards for Mathematics Specialists (MS) (AMTE, 2013).  During CI 518, 519, and 521 you will select artifacts for inclusion in a showcase e-portfolio built as a Google Sites. You can use this template as a place to start. Feel free to personalize and make it your own. 


Your portfolio should include 1) an opening page that communicates your “why;” the skills you bring to the work; and your philosophy about mathematics teaching, learning, and leading; and 2) a page with your current resumé.  The CI 518, 519, and 521 course each have  a table of contents page where you will link your Practicum Plan and Log for that course.

When building an artifact page around a project or experience you should: 

There are MS Standards checklists for each course communicating the portfolio requirements: (CI 518, CI 519, and CI 521). Be sure to secure appropriate permissions for any photographs or de-identify any student and/or teacher work you include. 

Helpful hints

For seamless access to your e-portfolio in Google Sites, you may want to create the site using an account that is separate from your work account (i.e., a personal gmail account). This is because you are not able to change ownership across domains (e.g., → To allow access to your items in another account, simply share the “parent” Mathematics Learning, Teaching, and Leading Program folder with your personal account.

Your showcase e-portfolio should either be located in your "parent" program folder or exist as a shortcut with your folder.  You might decide to put the site (or the shortcut) within  a MTL Portfolio folder that you populate with the items you want to highlight on your Google Site.  Be sure to set the permissions on this folder–and the individual artifacts–so that anyone with a link can view. This will allow access to anyone to view the pieces you link to your site. Hint: sign in to a different internet browser where you are not signed in to google to test your links.

Here is a brief video you can watch to get started with creating a Google Site. 

If you have any questions about the courses or TSPC specialization, email Nicole Rigelman, program coordinator, at