Mathematics Learning, Teaching, & Leading Programs

Program Information & Scholarships

Program Information

For more information about the Mathematics Learning and Teaching Certificate of Completion and TSPC's Mathematics Instructional Leader (MIL) Program, visit the Portland State University program website

For answers to frequently asked questions go to the programs' Frequently Asked Questions.  Use the menu above to navigate to information about which program is right for you, steps for completing the program, and pathways for Added Mathematics Endorsements. Also find the course schedule and descriptions, course websites, practica, and portfolio information, and a variety of teaching and leading resources.

Upcoming Courses

Math Flier Su24.pdf

Advising Materials

Math FLY 2021_Program Overview.pdf

Applying to the Certification Program(s)

You can begin taking courses in the program before applying to the program. The application process is quick and easy. Simply complete this google form and select the program(s) of interest. 

Are you interested?

Some teachers and leaders decide they would like to complete both the MIL specialization and a mathematics endorsement (e.g., adding Foundational Math to an elementary license, adding Advanced Math to a secondary license). For more information on how to consolidate efforts toward both added credentials go to Added Mathematics Endorsement.


To stay abreast of upcoming courses, scholarships, math-focused events, join our Google Group.

What people are saying...

"Making models for math problems with focus on the whys in math, has been the most powerful influence on my way of thinking."

"I see a difference in the teaching of people who have been to the classes. They are awesome teachers to begin with, but the level of mathematics discussion and rigor and critical thinking going into their classes is AMAZING!!"

"As a result of taking this class, my understanding of the operations has deepened, and I have a clearer picture of how the eight mathematical practices impact how students learn about operations, whole numbers, and fractions... The biggest change in my teaching practice will be how I embed the mathematical practices in my instructional routines on a regular basis."

"Are you confused by the math you teach? The PSU math courses will help you reflect on your teacher moves and how you can encourage student discourse. You will get a chance to work with your colleagues to examine student work samples and practice the math yourself. Be prepared to experience a positive disequilibrium and non-closure. Reignite your own growth mindset and curiosity about how and why math algorithms work! Then take this work back into your classroom to help your students explore concepts at a deeper level!"

Scholarship Information

The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), in conjunction with The Math Learning Center (MLC), is offering an Elementary Mathematics Specialist Scholarship. This is funding that can support your coursework. For more information visit AMTE's scholarship website. Deadline to apply June 15 annually.

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) offers several grants that can fund or partially fund your courses. For more information visit NCTM's grants website. Deadline to apply November 1 annually. Note: There are also grants to support classroom- and school-based activities as well as NCTM Annual Conference attendance .

The Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM) offers the Oscar Schaaf - Scott McFadden Memorial Scholarship to support classroom teachers with continuing their professional growth. For more information visit OCTM's scholarships website.  Deadline to apply is the 15th of EACH month throughout the year. Note: There are also grants to support local and national conference attendance.

If you have any questions about the courses or TSPC specialization, email Nicole Rigelman, program coordinator, at