Licensing Guidelines

Oregon's Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) Child Care Licensing Division is the authoritative source for licensing requirements and rules.


For support from the DELC Office, call 1-800-556-6616 or

Required Training for Newly Hired Employees

Required training can be identified in the Required Trainings list on the DELC website.

How to Link a Newly Hired Employee to your Facility

There are two ways to request an employee be linked to a facility:

Designating Positions for your Employees

Personnel qualifications for all license types (CC, CF, RF) can be found in the Child Care Rules under "Personnel". This can only be designated by an Child Care Licensing Division Licensing Specialist.

Central Background Registry

All staff over the age of 18 must be enrolled in the Central Background Registry.  Here is the link for the Central Background Registry.

Annual Training

The following list summarizes annual training requirements by type of facility.  For additional information and most up-to-date requirements, please see the Child Care Rules because requirements are subject to change.

Child Development, Safety Set, and Other Training Hours

After training and education has been verified in ORO, it will be displayed on the Staff Qualification and Training Log (SQTL) designated as child development hours, safety set hours, and other hours.

Child development hours

Training verified in the Core Knowledge Categories (CKC's) of Diversity (DIV), Families & Community Systems (FCS), Human Growth & Development (HGD), Learning Environments & Curriculum (LEC), Observation & Assessment (OA), Special Needs (SN), and Understanding & Guiding Behavior (UGB). (Note: The following required trainings also report under Child Development hours: Introduction to Child Care Health and Safety (ICCHS), Safe Sleep, Prevention is Better than Treatment (PBTT) and Foundations for Learning (FFL))

Safety set hours

Required safety training refers to the following trainings: Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect, CPR & First Aid, and Food Handlers. 

Other hours

Training verified in the two CKC's of Personal, Professional & Leadership Development (PPLD) and Program Management (PM). 

Requesting a Staff Qualifications and Training Log (SQTL)

Training and education must be verified in ORO to apply to licensing requirements.


For support with training submitted to ORO for licensing, contact an Oregon Registry Licensing Verification Specialist at 503-725-8552.

Submitting Training to ORO

Submit training to ORO for licensing needs at least one month prior to your licensing visit. Child care administrators should not have access to their employee's ORO accounts, thus when submitting training for your staff, mailing the documents into ORO using a Cover Sheet for each individual person is the best option. 

Your staff can submit training for themselves by: