what is storage in google workspace for education?

Students can use their Digital Portfolio space as digital storage, where they create and collect artefacts. The storage element of the digital portfolio has to allow for the storage of material being worked on that may later be displayed in the showcase of the digital portfolio.

We recommend using Google Drive as storage if your school uses Google Workspace for Education as its learning platform. This is where students can organise folders and files and folders in a structured way to assist with organisation. These folders and files are saved in the cloud and then students can access them from multiple devices, e.g. smartphone, tablet, or computer, whether at home or in school.

Google drive tutorials

This short video provides an overview of Google Drive and describes how it works.

This video shows students how to access Google Drive, create folders and change the colour of folders to assist with organisation.

It's important for students to organise the storage of their digital portfolio, in order to find and access artefacts quickly and easily. This video shows students how they can organise folders and files, star files and rename folders.

In order for peers and teachers to view student artefacts and provide feedback, students need to share access to folders (or files). This video demonstrates how folders can be shared with an individual who can either view or edit the content.

This video, which can be shared with students, demonstrates a suitable Google Drive hierarchy for a sample subject, in this case Applied Technology. The student has sub-folders for each strand and also for classroom-based assessments. It shows how students can use Google Drive to organise folders and files to assist with organisation and structure throughout their digital portfolio. A similar approach can be adopted in other subjects.