What are learning outcomes?

Learning outcomes are statements in curriculum specifications to describe the knowledge, understanding, skills and values students should be able to demonstrate after a period of learning.

(NCCA, 2019)

Why use learning outcomes?

'Learning outcomes have great potential to facilitate better learning and teaching'

(Priestley, 2019)

They encourage learners to

  • Be active in their own learning.

  • Be clearer about what they are meant to be learning.

  • Undertake self-reflection so they know how they learn not just what they are learning.

  • Keep a check on their own progress.

  • Become more motivated in their learning.

  • Develop a range of skills.

  • Have a voice in their learning.

They allow teachers to

  • Collaborate with other colleagues in planning.

  • Plan a range of teaching methods and learning tasks for their students.

  • Choose assessments that allow students demonstrate their understanding and skills in relation to the learning outcomes.

  • Provide more focused feedback to students on how they can improve.

  • Engage all students, from the exceptionally able to those who are under-achieving.

  • Select what to teach and the order in which to teach it.

(NCCA, 2019)