What are effective questions?

Effective questions are

  • planned and related to the lesson learning intentions.

  • mainly open.

  • accompanied by wait time.

  • one where the teacher allows collaboration before answering.

  • carefully graded in difficulty.

  • where the teacher encourages learners to explain and justify answers.

  • where all students participate e.g. using mini white boards, or questioning each other.

  • where both correct and incorrect answers are followed up.

  • asked by students too.

(NCCA, 2015)

Cold Calling

One of the issues that we face when asking students questions in class is that not all students are engaging, some students are thinking of answers and listening, whilst others are not.

Introduce a no hands up approach in class when asking questions. This will place all students on high alert as anyone could be called upon to answer a question.

Blooms Taxonomy of Critical Thinking