Tech Resources

Helpful Applications and Programs

Read & Write

What is Google Read & Write?

It is a Google extension that provides comprehensive reading and writing supports for Google Docs, internet websites, PDFs, and ePubs.

How to add Google Read & Write for your Google Chrome Browser:

  1. In Google Chrome, go to the Chrome web store and add the Read & Write extension.

  2. Once it's added, a purple puzzle piece should show up at the top of your screen.


What is EquatIO?

It is a Google extension that allows you to type or handwrite virtually any mathematical expression directly on your keyboard or touchscreen.

How to add EquatIO to your Google Chrome browser:

In Google Chrome, go to the Chrome web store and add the EquatIO extension.

Once it's added, the blue symbol should show up at the top of your screen.


Brightspace Pulse is a mobile app that can help learners stay connected and on track with their courses in Brightspace Learning Environment. It provides one easy view of course calendars, readings, assignments, evaluations, grades, and announcement items.

Apple App Store:

Play Store:

Google Classroom

The Google Classroom mobile app helps learning stay connected and on trach with their teacher's Google Classroom. Students can view, upload and navigate the platform easily on their phone.

Apple App Store:

Play Store:


Developed by the BC Children's Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre and BC Children's Centre for Mindfulness, along with young people, this free app provides ways to get started with mindfulness.

Apple App Store:

Play Store:

Other Helpful Apps, Websites, and Programs

Keyboarding and Typing:

Organization Help:

Helping with Focus and Concentration:

Relaxation and Fun: