Academic Help

Math Help

TVO's Mathify offers one-to-one interactive math help for students in Grades 4 to 12. The personalized math coaches are available Monday - Friday 9 am - 9 pm and Sunday from 3 pm - 9 pm.  

To sign up, click on Register Now. Please note that you'll need your OEN -- you can find this on your timetable or an old report card. 

Student Resources

This list of websites, apps, programs, and Google add-ons was compiled by the PDBS to help students and their families. This list is categorized by both age and school subject. 

Grade 9 Math EQAO

The Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics tests the math skills students are expected to have learned by the end of the Grade 9 mathematics course.

Students are encouraged to complete the practice test provided on the website. 

Grade 10 OSSLT

The OSSLT measures whether students are meeting the minimum standard for literacy across all subjects up to the end of Grade 9. Successful completion of the literacy test is one of the requirements to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. All students across the province write this test. 

Students are encouraged to complete the practice test provided on the website.