Beginning Your Learning  

Watch and/or Listen to Sharing Stories: Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning with Andratesha Fritzgerald.

Scan  your classroom.  What possible stressors might exist? Think about lighting, sound, smell, clutter, temperature, etc.

Watch and/or Listen to Culturally Responsive Teaching 101 with Zaretta Hammond.

Developing Your Learning 

Read The Third Teacher monograph for Developing the Learning Environment for Mathematics and Literacy, K to 8.

Read ETFO's Building Anti-Oppressive Learning Environments

Actioning Your Learning 

Complete the Reflection Tool for Educators which prompts you to think about the social and physical learning environments in the classroom.

Select some activities from the The First 10 Days (and Beyond), created by School Mental Health Ontario, that you will implement to enhance the social emotional learning environment for students.