Beginning Your Learning  

Using the Diversity Wheel, take a moment to reflect on your own power and privileges' so that you can position yourself within the social context you exist in and unpack your seen and unseen racial biases.

Watch this video in which Scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw explains how the intersections of these oppressions manifest today in the term she coined, "intersectionality." Voiced by Jouelzy and scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw.  Explore more on intersectionality here.

Read this anti-oppressive Framework by ETFO is a good place to start building our understanding how we may contribute to the oppressiveness of the colonial school system that has historically been causing harm for our marginalized students.

Developing Your Learning 

Watch this video by the Canadian American Scholar, Henry Giroux,  is an invitation to critically reflect on the role of education and how, as agents of change, we can start to rethink the future of schooling.

Read this article by George J. Sefa Dei to understand how a working understanding of the intersection of race, class, gender and sexual oppression is helpful in the struggle for educational equity, social justice and change. 

Read and Explore this site to deepen your understanding of how all of us are affected by White Supremacy Culture and how we can take action to divorce ourselves from it. 

Listen to this podcast where Zaretta Hammond explains Culturally Responsive Teaching. Students learn best where they feel a sense of safety and belonging. The science of learning and development shows environments that foster these feelings open up the brain to learning. 

Actioning Your Learning 

Listen to this podcast about School culture is vital to lead equity work. This work comes with challenges and pitfalls, but it starts with creating the conditions that are conducive to equity and liberation. 

Explore this site Educators for Social Change to review and engage with resources for teaching about White privilege. 

Explore this site to learn about social identities and systems of oppression. This site includes reflective activities, fact sheets and more resources for personal engagement and transformation.