Welcome to the PMHS-CATC
2024-2025 District Calendar
Lesson Plan and Teach at Early Head Start
Recruiters from the Mississippi Army National Guard visited our juniors and seniors during 1st and 2nd Period on Wednesday, November 8, 2023. Msgt. Ashley Gilbert, Sgt. Melvin Taylor (a PMHS alumni), and Sgt. Aaron Warden discussed what the students had to do in order to be eligible to serve. They also informed the students on the educational benefits of being in the Army National Guard. Students were able to have one on one conversations with the recruiters for detailed questions. Anyone interested in joining the Army National guard, an information flyer is attached.
CTE Day at Pearl River Community College September 25, 2023
Second year students visited the main campus in Poplarville to explore all of the career & tech. programs that PRCC offers. Programs from each branch were present to demonstrate and discuss what they have to offer our students post high school.