PCSS Diploma Options

PCSS offers a variety of diploma options. For more information on the options, contact your school counselor.

See Graduation Requirements for details on specific course requirements.

English 4 credits

Math 4 credits

Science 3 credits

Social Studies 3 credits

Foreign language 2 credits

Fine Arts 1 credit

Physical Education 0.5 credit

Wellness 1 credit

Personal Finance 0.5 credit

Elective Focus 3 credits

See Graduation Requirements for details on specific course requirements.

English 4 credits

Math 4 credits

Science 3 credits

Social Studies 3 credits

Foreign language 2 credits

Fine Arts 1 credit

Physical Education 0.5 credit

Wellness 1 credit

Personal Finance 0.5 credit

Elective Focus 3 credits


Must meet ALL ACT subject area readiness benchmarks:

English 18

Math 22

Reading 22

Science 23

The benchmarks are scores on the ACT subject-area tests that represent the level of achievement required for students to have a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in corresponding credit-bearing, first-year college courses.

See Graduation Requirements for details on specific course requirements.

English 4 credits

Math 4 credits

Science 3 credits

Social Studies 3 credits

Foreign language 2 credits

Fine Arts 1 credit

Physical Education 0.5 credit

Wellness 1 credit

Personal Finance 0.5 credit

Elective Focus 3 credits


Attaining a B average (3.0 GPA) AND completing AT LEAST ONE of the following:

  • earn a nationally recognized industry certification

  • participate in at least one of the Governor’s Schools

  • participate in one of the state’s All State musical organizations

  • be selected as a National Merit Finalist or Semi-Finalist

  • attain a score of 31 or higher composite score on the ACT

  • attain a score of 3 or higher on at least two advanced placement exams

  • successfully complete the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

  • earn 12 or more semester hours of transcripted postsecondary credit

  • complete Work Based Learning Career Practicum as CTE Level 3 or 4 Career Cluster/Capstone course

See Graduation Requirements for details on specific course requirements.

English 4 credits

Math 4 credits

Science 3 credits

Social Studies 3 credits

Foreign language 2 credits

Fine Arts 1 credit

Physical Education 0.5 credit

Wellness 1 credit

Personal Finance 0.5 credit

Elective Focus 3 credits


Earn 2 additional credits of your choice in any subject.

  • A student cannot count these courses as part of their regular requirements.

  • Attendance

95% Required (no more than 36 total days in 4 years)

  • Discipline

No “out of school suspensions”

  • Volunteer Service

80 hours (These hours must be done outside the school day. Please see the list on the website for what will and will not count for Tennessee Scholars.)

  • Grades

Maintain a C or above average in all classes. If your final class completion grade is an F you must retake that class and make at least a C to count that grade for the class for TN Scholars eligibility.

See Graduation Requirements for details on specific course requirements.

English 4 credits

Math 4 credits

Science 3 credits

Social Studies 3 credits

Foreign language 2 credits

Fine Arts 1 credit

Physical Education 0.5 credit

Wellness 1 credit

Personal Finance 0.5 credit

Elective Focus 3 credits


earning a minimum of 20 points as outlined in the Work Ethic Distinction Standards.

See Graduation Requirements for details on specific course requirements.

English 4 credits

Math 4 credits

Science 3 credits

Social Studies 3 credits

Foreign language 2 credits

Fine Arts 1 credit

Physical Education 0.5 credit

Wellness 1 credit

Personal Finance 0.5 credit

Elective Focus 3 credits


Students who meet the following criteria will be recognized at graduation (red, white, and blue entwined cord) as achieving PCSS local distinction.

  • Overall GPA of 2.5 or better

  • 90% or better attendance in Work-Based Learning

  • Successfully complete at least one semester of Work-Based Learning

See Graduation Requirements for details on specific course requirements.

English 4 credits

Math 4 credits

Science 3 credits

Social Studies 3 credits

Foreign language 2 credits

Fine Arts 1 credit

Physical Education 0.5 credit

Wellness 1 credit

Personal Finance 0.5 credit

Elective Focus 3 credits


have an overall GPA of at least 3.0, and have earned an industry certification in his or her career interest category or a regionally recognized industry certification

See Graduation Requirements for details on specific course requirements.

English 4 credits

Math 4 credits

Science 3 credits

Social Studies 3 credits

Foreign language 2 credits

Fine Arts 1 credit

Physical Education 0.5 credit

Wellness 1 credit

Personal Finance 0.5 credit

Elective Focus 3 credits


earning a composite of 19 or higher on the ACT and earning a capstone industry certification

See Graduation Requirements for details on specific course requirements.

English 4 credits

Math 4 credits

Science 3 credits

Social Studies 3 credits

Foreign language 2 credits

Fine Arts 1 credit

Physical Education 0.5 credit

Wellness 1 credit

Personal Finance 0.5 credit

Elective Focus 3 credits


Complete appropriate IB level course work as a junior and senior

  • Language A – English

  • Language B – (Spanish or French)

  • Individuals and Society – (History of the Americas)

  • Experimental Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Exercise Sports Health Science)

  • Mathematics – (Mathematical Studies)

  • Arts or Electives – (visual arts and music)

Three unique components make up the remaining portion of an IB diploma:

  1. Theory of Knowledge – a critical thinking course designed to teach students how they learn across all subject areas

  2. Creativity, Activity, and Service – Diploma students complete service-learning opportunities over 2 years under the direction of the CAS Coordinator.

  3. A 4,000 word Extended Essay researched, documented, and written on a topic of choice, written over 2 years.

The diploma program requires that students meet defined standards and conditions to be awarded a diploma, including earning a minimum of 24 points on IB exam points total.