International Baccalaureate (CHS Only)

What is IB?

Founded in 1968 the International Baccalaureate Programme works with thousands of schools in 138 countries worldwide serving students aged three to nineteen. The diploma program, which Cookeville High is authorized to offer, is offered at more than 800 public and private high schools in the United States.

The diploma program is designed for students aged sixteen to nineteen years of age. An IB diploma leads to a qualification widely recognized by universities around the world for the high standards it represents. The diploma program encourages students to ask challenging questions, think critically, develop a strong sense of one’s own identity and culture, and develop an ability to communicate with and un- derstand others from different cultures and backgrounds. It includes a broad and balanced curriculum for students enrolled, and the program emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach to learning with the student as an active participant. Students who choose to enroll in the diploma program study languages, a social science, an experimental science, mathematics, and an elective (most likely in a fine arts subject). Wherever possible, subjects are approached from an international perspective. Students who enroll and who satisfy the rigorous demands of the diploma program demonstrate a strong commitment to learning. They develop mastery of subject area content and mastery of skills and discipline necessary for post secondary success. The goal of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is to produce critical thinkers with a well-rounded global perspective on learning.

Cookeville High students who enroll in the IB diploma program are able to meet requirements set by the local school board, the state, and the International Baccalaureate diploma program.

What is included in the IB curriculum?

Students who enroll in the IB diploma program must complete and test in six areas; 3 courses must be HL & 3 SL

1) Language A – English

2) Language B – (Spanish or French)

3) Individuals and Society – (History of the Americas)

4) Experimental Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Exercise Sports Health Science)

5) Mathematics – (Mathematical Studies)

6) Arts or Electives – (visual arts and music)

Three unique components make up the remaining portion of an IB diploma:

1) Theory of Knowledge – a critical thinking course designed to teach students how they learn across all subject areas

2) A 4,000 word Extended Essay researched, documented, and written on a topic of choice, written over 2 years.

3) Creativity, Activity, and Service – Diploma students complete service-learning opportunities over 2 years under the direction of the CAS Coordinator.

The diploma program requires that students meet defined standards and conditions to be awarded a diploma, including earning a minimum of 24 points on IB exam points total.

What Must I Do To Participate in the IB Diploma Program at Cookeville High School?

First, all students should have a 3.0 to enroll an IB class in addition to having a thorough understanding of the requirements and expectations for students enrolled in any IB class. The IB Coordinator will verify GPA requirements during registration. Then, students should register for IB courses during the registration period in the Spring. Finally, students must meet all prerequisites for individual IB courses and complete summer assignments when applicable. Separate registration forms and teacher recommendations are no longer required of students if they meet the GPA requirement, prerequisites, and complete summer assignments. Students must comply with the AP/IB Exam Procedures set forth by the Board of Education and acknowledge that they are responsible for both fees and sitting for exams.

For further information, contact the IB Coordinator at CHS

Emily Chambers -