Band (Beg, Int, Ad)

Beginning Band - we just started Book 2 so we will continue learning from that. Let's review pages 3 and 4 this week. Prepare #6 America, #7 Wearing of the Green and #12 Billy Boy.

Complete this practice log daily and send to me via Google Docs (use the same file for each new or different practice log; so you will have many practice logs in one file)

Name: _______________Date: ______ Time practiced: __________

On my instrument, I want to get better at ________________________

Because I like or want to __________________________________

So two strategies I will use are:

  1. _______________________________________________

  2. ________________________________________________

At the end of the week please send a recording of your progress or set up a video chat with me so I can see how you're doing individually. I will also coordinate a class meeting via Zoom and see if we can try to play the music together.

Intermediate Band - We will continue to work on our music that I distributed prior to our extended vacation. Work independently on that music and submit daily practice logs to let me know what you're working on and how much you're practicing each day. I shared the practice log with you via email and Google classroom: Class code: ahwkjgq

At the end of the week please send a recording of your progress or set up a video chat with me so I can see how you're doing individually. I will also coordinate a class meeting via Zoom and see if we can try to play the music together.

Advanced Band - Your plan is the same as the other bands' in that I want you to work at your pace and level on your instrument. The difference for this class is that I did not get to distribute much music to you and some of you do not have that music at home anyway. So I want you to find music online or if you have access to method books, that is the best to work on. You can even look up trios or duets with other band friends to work on via video chat throughout the week, if you'd like. Let me know if you need help finding sources. Drummers for sure check out Drummer World and Vic Firth. Other instruments, here's some movie themes: You will submit a daily practice log telling me what you practiced and for how long. Then at the end of the week you need to submit either a recording of your progress from the week or set up a video chat with me (via Zoom or Google Hangouts) so I can document that you've been learning more skills on your instruments. The practice log will be shared via email and Google Classroom. Classroom code: 3zlddcz