Program Components and Expectations
Program Components Overview
In order to meet the expectations outlined above the Induction program includes three key components: Mentoring, inquiry cycles and professional learning. The goals that drive the inquiry cycles and professional learning are developed collaboratively with the participating teacher and mentor, with input from the site administrator, and will vary based on teacher need and interest.
Mentoring: Participating Teachers and Mentors meet an average of not less than an hour a week to focus on both “just in time” needs and progress towards longer-term goals. Mentors provide direct support and also connect PTs with additional resources/personnel. The majority of meetings are face to face, however meetings may also be virtual or include observations by the mentor teacher.
Inquiry Cycles: Each Participating Teacher and Mentor develop an Individualized Learning Plan that identifies the PTs strengths and areas for growth, based on the CSTP Continuum of Standards. The ILP includes growth goals and action plans with measurable outcomes, based in student learning. The ILP can be adjusted over time and is revisited frequently throughout the year.
Professional Learning: Areas of focus for professional learning are identified by the PT and mentor, and based on feedback from the site administrator and the CSTP Continuum of Standards.
Program Components and Expectations
The Palo Alto Consortium Induction Program is designed as a two-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional learning. Within the first 30 days of a participant’s enrollment in the program, the participating teacher is matched with a highly qualified mentor that has appropriate grade level and subject area expertise. Working collaboratively, the mentor and the participating teacher develop goals within the context of the Individual Learning Plan within the first 60 days of the teacher’s enrollment in the program. Site supervisors help to inform the goals included in the ILP.
The ILP addresses the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and provides a roadmap for candidates’ Induction work with the guidance of a mentor. The ILP must include candidate professional growth goals, a description of how the candidate will work to meet those goals, defined and measurable outcomes for the candidate, and planned opportunities to reflect on progress and modify the ILP as needed. The candidate’s specific teaching assignment should provide the appropriate context for the development of the overall ILP; however, the candidate and the mentor may add additional goals based on the candidate’s professional interests. Within the ILP, professional learning and support opportunities are identified for each candidate to practice and refine effective teaching practices for all students through focused cycles of inquiry.
At the end of each year, the mentor works with the candidate and other induction colleagues to review the observed and documented evidence of growth and development toward mastery of the CSTP’s, based on the Cycles of Inquiry and measurable outcomes of growth goals on the ILP. At the completion of the two-year program, or the first year if the candidate is approved for Early Completion, the body of goals, action plans, documentation, and reflection must demonstrate growth on the CSTPs and satisfactory completion of the program activities and requirements. The Induction Director conducts a final verification prior to approving recommendation for the Clear Credential. The PAUSD Credential Analyst submits the completed application form to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
To remain in good standing candidates must meet all of the following criteria:
Attend Induction Orientation at start of Year 1
Sign and return the Professional Letter of Commitment at the beginning of each year
Meet regularly with mentor in alignment with the Induction standard: “an average of not less than one hour per week of individualized support/mentoring coordinated and/or provided by the mentor” (34 documented hours per year)
Complete CSTP self-assessment and set initial goals within 60 days of enrollment in the program
Design and carry-out Action Plans in alignment with goals, submit Action Plan #1 in mid-December
Meet end-of-year expectations for submitting reflective essay and ILP by the designated deadline
Notify mentor and/or program director about any barriers to successful participation in the program.
Any candidate experiencing difficulty with the above criteria will meet with the Induction Director to problem-solve and set next steps. The Induction Director will send a follow-up letter summarizing the area of concern, the next steps and plans for providing support and monitoring progress. Candidates not able to meet expectations outlined in the letter will be dropped from the program.
Important Note: The ILP is designed and implemented solely for the professional learning, growth, and development of the participating teacher, and not for evaluation for employment purposes. The PAUSD Induction consortium maintains a strict confidentiality policy to ensure that Induction work is kept separate from the evaluation and retention process through the partner district’s Human Resources departments.