District Accountability

School Report Card


The Pathfinder Regional Vocational-Technical High School District is designed to offer vocational-technical training in conjunction with a sound academic program to the nine communities which comprise the district; Belchertown, Granby, Hardwick, Oakham, Monson, New Braintree, Palmer, Ware, and Warren.

The primary purpose of the Pathfinder Regional Vocational-Technical High School is to enable students to become productive and responsible members of the community. We provide our students with the knowledge and learning experiences that give them the options of securing gainful employment upon graduation, continuing formal studies at the post secondary level, or pursuing a combination of both.

Pathfinder provides diverse academic and technical programs which recognize that students are unique in learning style, potential, motivation and interests. We offer students hands-on experiences that employ current technologies in their fields to meet the employment needs of our communities and to prepare them to participate in the global economy. The common objective of all staff is to install in our students a desire to learn and an appreciation for the learning process, and to provide opportunities for them to enhance the abilities and thinking skills which will allow them to achieve their personal, professional, and educational goals.

At Pathfinder, all participants in the educational process are treated with dignity and respect at all times. The responsibility of the participants is to contribute to the best of their abilities in accomplishing mutual educational goals.

Statement of Objectives

The objectives of the Pathfinder Regional Vocational-Technical High School are to:

  • Ensure that all students regardless of race, physical and/or learning disability, language, culture, economic status, gender or sexual orientation are given equal opportunity in all vocational-technical and academic programs.

  • Provide each student an opportunity to develop his/her full potential to cope with everyday decision-making, problem solving, and communication in today's complex world.

  • Maintain ongoing counseling services to provide for personal, career, substance abuse, adjustment, and vocational counseling, as well as other services necessary to the individual's immediate and developmental needs and growth.

  • Provide a system of vocational-technical and academic assessment, including monitoring, and evaluation of student performance, potential, ability.

  • Implement the Individual Educational Plan process as outlined in Federal Regulations of the revised IDEA and Massachusetts Comprehensive Special Education Law 603 CMR, Section 28.

  • Encourage incoming students to consider various occupational areas, including non-traditional placements, and to pursue a vocation based on the individual's potential, interests, and awareness of the requirements of that occupation.

  • Prepare all students to meet current state and federal academic assessment requirements and vocational-technical competencies.

  • Provide related instruction in the essential theoretical background in a specific occupational area.

  • Provide instruction and supervised work experiences within the school and community that enable students to develop the competence necessary to secure employment in their chosen vocational fields.

  • Foster a sound work ethic by requiring students to be punctual, to attend school regularly, and to assume responsibility for gaining skills and proficiency in their vocations.

  • Provide cooperative education programs as a practical application of student training and a realistic introduction to the working world.

  • Offer extra curricular activities that provide students with the opportunity to develop a sense of self-worth, leadership potential, teamwork, and to exercise personal talents and interests.

  • Provide an environment for all staff members and employees that foster the development of innovative programs, participation in open communication with administration, and co-operation in developing and implementing curriculum changes in both academic and vocational areas which reflect student's needs and current technologies.

  • Recruit and sustain a responsible, committed, and certified or approved teaching staff who will provide quality education to each student and who will continue their professional improvement.

  • Provide for extensive outreach in area towns to describe educational opportunities that will offer an informed educational choice for students and parents.

  • Elicit community support by involving local citizens on school advisory boards, encouraging use of the school facility by area residents, and coordinating programs that allow students to showcase their learned skills by performing appropriate community service projects.

  • Offer library-media facilities and technology that support academic and vocational-technical learning.