Term 1

Marine Reserves

Te Manga and Te Kauru have been given the opportunity to take part in Experiencing Marine Reserves at Matai Bay this term. This is a great opportunity for Paparore students to take part in a snorkeling experience in an area that is protected like Matai Bay.

"EMR is a national programme of experiential learning about marine conservation. Te Kura Moana - the school of the ocean. We increase awareness and encourage action and support for marine conservation. We are established in eight regions of New Zealand with up to 28 coordinators. We have a sister programme in one state of Australia. We provide schools and their communities with the expertise and knowledge to experience their local marine environment first-hand, fostering kaitiakitanga. Since 2002, EMR has guided snorkel experiences in marine reserves around New Zealand involving 35547 students (53866 including teachers and whanau).We have guided a total of 54688 kiwis through our marine reserves."

Isabel Krauss from the EMR team visited our school on Wednesday 20th February to take our students for a classroom and snorkelling session in the pool to prepare them for their Matai Bay experience.

Te Manga Assembly The Very Hungry Kina.MOV

For our class assembly we retold the story of 'The Very Hungry Kina' that Isabel told us. This assembly was a great way for us to teach our whanau and school community about marine reserves.