Math Stars

Term 3 - Weeks 5-10

WALT count forwards and backwards to 100.

  • Once you have finished these activities complete your Math Buddy tasks.

Term 3 - Week 4-5

Counting Forwards to Solve Addition

WALT count on to solve addition problems. WALT to keep the big number in our heads and count on.

  • Open your google slide from last week
  • Complete the activities on the Week 4 slide.
  • Once you have finished these activities complete your Math Buddy tasks.

Term 3 - Week 3

Counting Forwards to Solve Addition

WALT count on to solve addition problems. WALT to keep the big number in our heads and count on.

  • Make a copy of this google slide and save it in your math folder.
  • Remember to add your initials to the title. Complete the activities after you watch the video.
  • Copy the link to your slide deck into our Te Manga 2019 - Class Work spreadsheet once you have finished.