
learn - create - share

term 4 - week 8-9

- ways to represent a fraction

  1. Complete the 'Ways to Represent a Fraction' sheet with a buddy. Use the following exemplars to help you.
  2. Create a poster using GOOGLE DRAWINGS (make a copy and file in your maths folder) showing 4 different ways to represent a fraction: Parts of a set, Parts of a Whole, Number Line, Fraction Strips.

If you are finished you can choose from the following math activities.

Math Stars

Math Legends


Math Magicians

Math Maintenance marking

term 4 week 4

Monday and Tuesday - Please follow Mrs Crawford's instructions for your maths. If you are finished you can choose from the following math activities.

Math Strategies

Complete your strategy work in your slide deck.

Te Manga Measurement Tracking Sheet 4-5


Measurement tools and skills have a variety of uses in everyday life. The ability to use measuring tools, rulers, thermometers, scales, and to estimate with these tools are necessary skills. They can tell us how tall we are, how hot we are, how much we drink, how heavy we are and how far it is from here to there.

week 10 - measurement booklet

Te Manga Measurement Tracking Sheet 4-5


Name - Term 3 Measurement

Measurement - KWL Chart

Make a copy and file in your maths folder.

Write down anything that you know about Measurement under the following headings.


Solve the equations, record your working and answers on google slides, ask someone in your group to check your answers.

Use SCREENCASTIFY to share your learning on your blog

Math Legends

  1. 45 + 76 =
  2. 23 + 89 =
  3. 45 + 38 =
  4. 96 + 15 =
  5. 88 + 65 =


  1. 145 + 67 =
  2. 123 + 98 =
  3. 145 + 83 =
  4. 196 + 51 =
  5. 188 + 56 =

maths magicians

  1. 145 - 76 =
  2. 223 - 89 =
  3. 245 - 38 =
  4. 196 - 15 =
  5. 188 - 65 =

math legends

Maths Legends Term 1 - Maths


Mathematicians Term 1 - Maths

math magicians

Maths Magicians 2019

Whole class focus

Te Manga Geometry Tracking Sheet 4-5
Te Manga Statistics Tracking Sheet 4-5