Week 1 - 5

Intorduction to 1.1 Music Skills in a Music Style

Intro to San Andreas LITERACY ACTIVITY

LINK to San Andreas Theme

Week 4: Familiarise yourself with these iconic Hip Hop instruments.

Hip Hop Instruments introduction and “try it out” + examples

Hip Hop Instrument activity

What are the musical features of hip hop? Have a look at this document and be prepared to answer a couple of questions about it.

Musical Features in Hip Hop Explanation + Examples

Week 6 & 7

Here are some useful resources to help understand the music theory aspect of the style. Have a look and a play around.


And some youtube videos showcasing a variety of styles on different instruments. 

101 Drum Styles

Musical Genre Challenge with Ariana Grande

Go and listen to the original songs and look up any genre you are unfamiliar with. How well did Jimmy Fallon and Ariana do? Did they get it right? Who sang it better? Why?

Hot In Here - Country version

What makes this version country and hot rap/ hip hop?

Describe the musical features that differ from the original track.

Theory revision

Week 8 & 9

How to screen record your Garageband session on iPad. VIDEO

How to Airdrop your screen recording to Mr V. VIDEO

Week 8

Begin beats recreation assessment  of the beat below. 

assessment 1.mp3

Term 2 - Week 1

You are to continue with your assessment for 1.1 Music Skills in a Music Style

This is due by the end of week 2.

Please email me and let me know which parts you are struggling with and we will review the skills in class. 

See the assessment criteria below for achieved, merit, and excellence requirements.

Composition materials:
Term 2

Click this link to take you to tutorials about how to use Garageband and Bandlab on the iPads and computers. 

DAW Tutorials

Finding the notes in the chords and scales

Watch this video if you're a bit lost and unsure how to write a song or are looking for new ideas. Skip to 4:50 for a demonstration of how to write your melody.

Let Mr. V. know what you think about our music classes. It's anonymous!
Click here to take the short questionnaire

Group performance - 5 Credits

Here's a link to the standard. Have a look at it and decide which grade you are aiming for personally. Are you going to get achieved, merit, or excellence?

Here are some examples of achieved, merit, and excellent performances. Watch these and read the examiner's comments. Identify which parts of the performances make them better or worse than the others.

The song tutorials, lyrics, etc are here

Don't Say Goodbye - Sammy J

Don't Forget Your Roots - Six60

Semester 1 Checklist:

Please ensure you have completed, and handed in these two final tasks. The MIDI standard can be completed from your work on the beats recreation task or any compositions you have worked on in Bandlab or Garageband.
The group work booklet is about the process you underwent while working in your groups. 

These tasks should take no more than an hour each to complete.

MIDI Standard

Level 1 Groupwork Booklet

How to login to Hook Theory

Course code:


how to log in to hook theory video.mov