Organisation, working memory, and Study Skills

Tips for supporting children to develop time management, planning, and organisational skills (EXECUTIVE FUNCTION SKILLS)

Have you ever gone to the shop without a list, thinking you’ll remember everything you need…but discovered when you got home that you forgot several items? Working memory is a term used to describe the ability we have to hold and mentally manipulate information over short periods of time in our mind. It is the 'mental workspace' that we use to store important information in the course of our mental activities. Working memory is therefore crucial to children's organisational skills and ability to retain learning.

Mind mapping: through the use of colors, images and words, mind mapping encourages students to begin with a central idea and expand outward to more in-depth sub-topics. It is an effective way to help children revise,remember and make connections in their learning.

PEEL is a great study skill to follow when explaining meaning from texts in KS3, for written assignments.