Kindergarten TechSafe Lesson

Kindergarten Lesson

Safety in My Online Neighborhood

Teacher Directions

1. Read the overview for the lesson you will be delivering.

2. Gather any materials necessary.

3. Review the Lesson Plan and Lesson Resources & Materials below.  These materials (available in English and Spanish) will provide you with valuable resources as you deliver this training to your students.  Videos can also be accessed by clicking on the video link.

4. Deliver your lesson.  This training is designed to provide the students with opportunities to ask questions

5. After delivering this training, please complete the short survey located at the bottom of this page.

Kindergarten Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to ...

Lesson: Privacy & Security - 

"Safety in My Online Neighborhood"

Common Sense Media lessons are shareable with attribution for noncommercial use only. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Essential Question:

How do you go places safely online?

Lesson Overview:

The power of the internet allows students to experience and visit places they might not be able to see in person. But, just like traveling in the real world, it's important to be safe when traveling online. On this virtual field trip, kids can practice staying safe on online adventures. 

Lesson Plan:

Printable Version  (Approximately 30 min.)

Lesson Resources & Materials:

Lesson Plan

Safety in My Online Neighborhood _ Common Sense Education.pdf

English Slides

Grade K - Safety in My Online Neighborhood - Lesson Slides

Spanish Slides

Grade K - Safety in My Online Neighborhood - Lesson Slides_ES

English Video

Spanish Video

English Handout

Grade K - Safety in My Online Neighborhood - Pause & Think Moment Student Handout

Spanish Handout

Grade K - Safety in My Online Neighborhood - Pause & Think Moment Student Handout_ES

English Poem Poster

Grade K - Safety in My Online Neighborhood - Safety: It Rules! Poem Poster

Spanish Poem Poster

Grade K - Safety in My Online Neighborhood - Safety: It Rules! Poem Poster_ES

Teacher Implementation Survey

Additional Lesson Materials for Families

Family Activities - English 

Family Activity

Family Activity - Kindergarten

Family Tips

K Family Tips_ Privacy & Security _ Common Sense Education.pdf

Conversation Starters

K-2 - SEL in Digital Life - Family Conversation Starter - Responsible Decision-Making

Family Activities - Spanish 

Family Activity

Family Activity - Kindergarten_ES

Family Tips

K Spanish Tips para familias con niños de kínder a 5to grado_ Privacidad y seguridad _ Common Sense Education.pdf

Conversation Starters

K-2 - SEL in Digital Life - Family Conversation Starter - Responsible Decision-Making (SPANISH)