Lesson 5

Understanding AI Bias

Lesson Overview

Essential Question

How does AI bias happen? 

Lesson Overview

Artificial intelligence is trained on real-world data that people have given it, and if that data contains biases (or is incomplete), the AI can end up being biased, too. In this lesson, students will think critically about the training data that informs what AI tools can do, and consider possible ways to reduce AI bias. 

Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to:

Approximate Time Needed: 20 min

Lesson Resources

Lesson Plan

Understanding AI Bias _ Common Sense Education.pdf

Lesson Slides

Grades 6-12 - AI Literacy - Understanding AI Bias - Lesson Slides

© Common Sense Media. Lessons are shareable with attribution for noncommercial use only. No remixing permitted. View detailed license information at creativecommons.org. Lesson last updated: October 2023